Saturday, May 9, 2009

Land of the free, home of the brave....anyone with a pair of balls? Eh...:-)

People, welcome back!

I'm sure a lot of you are very familiar with the first half of the title above and by the time you finish reading this post, you'd understand everything about the second half of it too:-)

(I'm hoping that Americans who happen to read this post would never forget the link between the first and second half of the title aboveo for the rest of their lives or probably in the after life too!!)

So here's the title explained for you...

Land of the free, home of the brave like you already know is the United States inhabited by all "free" and "brave" people, owning guns, fighting for their rights and liberties and freedoms not just in their own country but in wars world wide to "liberate" other people from their tyrannical masters like Hitler, Saddam Hussain, Communists, dictators and what have you...!

So you see Americans are the freeest, boldest and the bravest of the lot in the world. They can stand up to any evil, look it in the eye and demolish it to dust. WOW!! What a brave people!! Man, so I guess I now understand how Arnold Scwarzenegger (did I spell it right?!) and Sylvester Stallone are such huge saviors of mankind:-)

While Americans were all too busy with their heroic exploits all around the world from thrashing evil german armies to figthing aliens in sci-fi movies, something very sinister was unfolding closer home... slowly, steadily but surely......but what was it?????

Well, the problem with evil is not that its hard or impossible to fight or eradicate. It's entirely in being able to identify it as evil. That's the one strength that gives evil its head start over good...

The evil that I'm talking about here is that while Americans were really very, very busy fighting to rid the world of all kinds of evils and dying for truth left, right and center, in the year 1913, one of their presidents, a son of a bitch named Woodrow Wilson, signed away the lives and liberties of all Americans, lock, stock and barrel to a cartel of Jewish bankers and sold Americans off into perpetual slavery to usury... all in gratitude for the money he received from these bankers for his presidential campaign...

"What are you saying? The very President of the land of the free and brave didn't have the balls to stand up to a cabal of private bankers?" you ask.

I know that's a good question so you can help yourself to the web and check for yourself if he did or not!

Mr.Woodrow Wilson decided that a bagful of money the jewish bankers put in his hands is any day far better than a pair of balls hanging down his crotch that no one ever sees if he really has them or not and signed all you free and brave Americans, white, black, colored et all to perpetual slavery.....:-)

Its wrong to think that not all Americans didn't understand the federal reserve scam. There certainly were many influential Americans who did...Henry Ford once said...

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".

So why didn't Americans do anything about it?

Another good question! Well, may be they thought if the President himself threw his pair of balls away on the attick for fear of the the jewish private bankers, what can ordinary, everyday Americans do about it?

So most probably, a whole generation of Americans also pulled their balls out and threw them off on the attic! Like President, like people! Bye bye balls:-)!

That's an intelligent thing to do, I agree!! What the heck do you do with a pair of balls if you ain't using 'em?!!

But one shouldn't forget that not everyone yielded to this federal reserve scam. There certainly were one or two who stood up. President Kennedy signed legislation that could have made the fed history but strangely some mysterious assassin shot him dead, that to this day even Bill Clinton is lost to figure out who did it, and this piece of legislation signed by Kennedy never came into effect. At least Kennedy preferred to be a man in the sense he chose to die with his balls intact even if they blew his brains out in wide public gaze watched over by the entire world.

You might ask me why dying with your balls intact matters so much?! We'll certainly get to know about it by the time you finish reading this post!

But most Americans reading this blog might say "Who the heck said we're tax paying slaves? We pay the Fed because its our Central Bank and a part of our government and bla, bla, bla...."

I don't want to take the trouble of enlightening you here because there are millions of avenues for you to know, if only you care, that the Fed is not a part of your government, its neither federal nor does it have a reserve and its only a cartel of jewish owned or affiliated private banks all working for PROFIT. All they do is print fiat money and loan it to your government and all the taxes you ever pay are used simply to service to the last dime only the interest on these loans your governement keeps borrowing from the fed mortgaging your lives and liberties. If your politicians, senators or even Presidents have not raised one finger about it so far, the simple truth is that they have been bought off or intimidated.

The Fed, for all intents and purposes, owns the United States, its government and its people. America is not a country, its a Rothschilds owned Corporation. Americans are not citizens, you are human capital owned by the jewish bankers. The money needed to run this corporation must be borrowed, by a Rothschild inserted twist in your constitutional law, only from the Jewish private bankers through the Fed and the burden of interest paid to the Fed is the profit, in one sense at least, the jewish bankers make from owning this privately held corporation called the United States. The Fed keeps no accounts and even if it does, they are not audited.

So does that make you freemen or tax paying slaves to a corporation operating for profit and privately owned by jewish bankers and freemasons and working in conjunction with the British monarchy?

If you still find this hard to believe, that's the reason I said in the beginning of this post itself that the biggest problem with evil is not that of fighting it but in identifying it as evil.

Ok, so now that you've identified the Fed as the evil that your politicias pay homage to. What're you going to do about it?

You might still ask "Yea, we understand about the Fed but why should we stand up to be counted or do anything about it?"

Simple. Because getting back your balls depends entirely on it:-)!

Its because of the Fed that Woodrow Wilson and a generation of Americans lost their balls and you guys wouldn't get them back unless as long as you continue to play ball with the Fed and its exploitation.

But haven't Americans lived all so happily ever after even since the time Woodrow Wilson lost his balls and submitted to the jewish bankers? I understand its possible to think "Hey, c'mon now, life is just to have a ball and Fed or no Fed, we Americans manage to have ball one way or the other and that's all that matters":-)

My answer again is "Well, may be but if not in this life, you need your pair of balls at least for the after life."

"Gee, that's ridiculous, why the heck would we need our pair of balls for the after life, all we need is Jesus and Americans believe in God"

That's exactly what I'm coming to!

Jesus had what it takes to throw the money changers out. He had what it takes to confront them at every step of the way, every day. He had what it takes to make their lives miserable. And most importantly, He had what it takes to even look evil in the eye and face crucifixion...and what it takes is a pair of balls:-)

And He had as much as He ever wanted for anything:-)

So now you see the connection?! It takes balls to be on the cross more than it takes love! And your God proved He had plenty of both:-)!

So when Jesus went to Heaven, a rule was passed to prevent people without balls like Americans from making it to heaven simply by jumping up and down in church or singing aloud non stop on sundays.

Yes, you can find that rule in the book of Revelation chapter 21 verse 9:

"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

So do you see it there? Its the very first disqualifier to Heaven:-)!

What that verse says clearly is that its jut not enough to believe or be good or not commit murders etc and etc. Before they check if you're any of that, the're going to first see if you're a coward or not!!

I hope most of you guys reading this blog remember that Tom & Jerry cartoon in which Tom dies and as he reaches the golden gate in Heaven, St.Peter stops him and insists he obtain a forgiveness letter from Jerry to be allowed in?:-)

Its something like that. So when all Christians and mostly Americans (since most Americans claim to be "born again" christians!) die and gather at the golden gates of Heaven, after verifying if you've believed in Jesus, they're going to hear

"Sir, would you please step aside and pull your pants down please".....:-)

And I'm telling you there wouldn't be any use staging protests that you didn't know about this and simply thought believing in Jesus would just about be enough!

So now you see how important, especially for people who make such high sounding claim as "land of the free and home of the brave" to have their balls intact in their crotch?!!

"What about women?" you might still ask.

For all I know, I think women would be exempt from this rule or at least they might be treated a little leniantly because haven't we MCPs made it a man's world out here on earth, so it falls on us to confront it evils more than women!!

So its clear to you now that its just not enough for Americans to have a christian name or go to church every sunday and jump up and down singing aloud....

If you come to know of some evil happening in your country and fail to stand up and resist it and die a coward, you're sure to end up in the "fiery lake of burning sulfur":-)!

Gee, i'm getting goose bumps just reading about it, see:-)!

I know a lot of you would protest this is not what your TV evangelists from Billy Graham to Benny Hinn told you and you were told that just believing in Jesus is enough for Americans to go to Heaven.

Well, its not Billy Graham or Benny Hinn who make the rules to Heaven, they only break them for you so you'd give them huge dollar donations.

Trust me, I don't want your dollar donations but I'm telling you you can't have Jesus if you don't have balls! If you believe in Jesus, then you need to prove you've got balls:-) What do you think He was called the Son of Man for nothing?!

And I also know that a lot of people might say that there were numerous occasions when Jesus Himself ran away from his enemies or hid himself...

True, I know but that was all done in the process of confronting His enemies and not in submitting to them and when His moment came, He was even ready to face the best of Roman executioners. Who do you think won in the crucifixion tussle? The executioners or Jesus? They did everything they possibly could to break him but they knew they lost when He prayed to forgive them! What better insult do you think an executioner can face than that?!

So for those of you Americans who're now convinced that you can't live like cowards like your Presidents and senators and want to confront the Fed, here's what you do:


I know Americans realize that they risk even confiscation of all property if they don't pay up to the IRS. But understand there are no gains without pains. After all, it's not just a question of earning back your freedom and independence from private bankers, its a question of being judged cowards and losing Heaven!

So what do you do when the IRS guys knock on your door for your hard earned tax dollars?

Well, you could go in and fetch your gun, load your bullets into the mag, load your balls into your crotch and simply blow their brains out. Pretty much like how they did to Kennedy.

"Gosh, that can be murder" you say?

No, it wouldn't be. If killing people in wars created by the bankers isn't murder, then killing IRS personnel for coming after your money isn't. In any case, the IRS is not an agency of your Treasury department like their web sites tries to cheat you. Its a criminal organization of thugs registered in Puerto Rico.

And after you're done with the local IRS personnel, you could team up with your country men and visit the Fed in Washington and repeat the same so you could be free of all the jewish bankers and set your country free!

I'm sure you can say that Jesus never used violence or blood shed in resisting evil. I agree 100%. But you need your balls back even for non-violent resistance because its an entirely different ball game!! See, you need it either way!

So, for Americans, whether they resort to guns or guts to resist the Fed and the IRS imposed slavery, I wish them all good luck and hope that they would succeed in truly making America the land of the free and the home of the brave:-)


Dayavanth M Emmanuel.

P.S: Some of you reading this post might feel I'm inciting Americans to turn against their government or to commit violence. Far from it, I see it as encouraging them to defend their constitution against all enemies, both domestic and foreign, especially when their presidents themselves have failed in doing so.