Friday, June 26, 2009
Freedom at midnight - No wonder we're still groping in the dark:-)
Welcome back people, its been a long time I know but I'm back with a bang!! This new post is on the topic of Indian independence.
What’s a post on “independence” 60 plus years after it happened going to tell you that’s new is the question, no???!!
We in India know that the history of the East India Company in India is unparalleled in the history of entire mankind in using fraud, deceit, rapacity and every other gross immorality and wickedness in the inventory of evil for the purpose of acquiring an empire by a commercial company solely for gain and greed. As you are aware, this was achieved with the active and passive military collaboration of many Indian princes.
History says the British monarchy assumed control after the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 and finally “Independence” was granted to India in 1947 due to the freedom struggle lead by Gandhi and Nehru.
This post attempts to look behind the mask of this official version of history to check if the East India Company, and the Jewish Zionist money lenders who owned it have not used the same methods of fraud and deception to retain their empire in India this time with the willing and knowing collaboration of Indian politicians.
Read on and see if what you find is chilling, startling truth:-)!
Ok, so ye all know that we Indians received our independence from centuries old opression of the British on the midnight of August 14, 1947 and bla, bla, bla...but the BIG question is why at midnight? Why all that hype and drama about receiving freedom at midnight? And finally if we are indeed "FREE"?????
To understand this "Freedom at Midnight" fraud, we first look at the statement made by Nehru on this "momentous" (or is it?) occasion...
"At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to LIFE AND FREEDOM. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the OLD to the NEW, when an age ENDS, and when the SOUL OF A NATION, long suppressed, FINDS UTTERANCE"
-- Jawaharlal Nehru Claiming Independence from British
Midnight of August 14, 1947
With those high sounding words Nehru claimed "independence" for all ye Indians, my poor country men long oppressed and suppressed that is, under the clutches of the British rule, and heralded the "end of an age" (really?!), and told us all that we, as a nation, have finally found utterance for our soul....
WOW!!....I guess the only thing he forgot to add was simply that "We Indians will live happily ever after..." and it would have then been like in a fairy tale with chacha Nehru and members of his dynasty playing our demi gods generation after generation, looking after us through their coterie of wide bottomed, pot bellied Congress nethas, with the atma of the mahatma smiling down at us from over the clouds and gentle showers of flowers falling all around us as we go about our every day lives wrapt in blissfull nirvana....but hey hang on a minute, are we missing something here??????
How did the fairy tale ending that echoed through Nehru's statement on the night of 14, August, 1947 distort into a grotesque nightmare for millions of Indians? There's something wrong somewhere, the picture of "independent" India is more crooked and distorted than Nehru was trying to paint it to be, our experience of "independence" has certainly not been as sweet as Nehru promised.....mmm....what could have gone wrong...does it have anything to do with being made free at midnight you think?:-)
You know people, we Indians, the drifting, directionless, toiling and manipulated masses that we were in 1947, and even more so today, were so filled with the euphoria of the moment that our grand fathers failed to check with chacha Nehru if what he claimed in his statement on the night of August 14, 1947 is all true. But well, they couldn't quite do it because like I told you, they were swayed by the euphoria generated by this announcement of the British and Nehru's subsequent high sounding statement that for a moment, everything else receded into the sidelines of life and that one unguarded moment was all that the British and their Indian collaborators needed to dupe and trick the masses in India into believing this "freedom at midnight" fraud that keeps us duped till today...
And another reason Nehru was not available to check could perhaps be that immediately after he made his statement, Edwina (Mountbatten's wife) pulled him back into bed so it really wasn't possible for our grand fathers to check with him even if they intended to. You shouldn't forget that chacha Nehru was also a charming lover boy (or grandpa?) for whom the Viceroy's wife (or whore?!) herself droooooled. And if their romance were not because of chacha being charming in any sense, it may be more because Zionist Jewesses with leaky cracks are always round the corner in the corridors of power all over the world to readily pitch in and do whatever it takes with finesse and ease to forward the Zionist agenda:-)! And when it comes to serving the British Crown or getting a favor for the powers that be in London, these Jewesses come in handy as good lays....Anyways, we'll call him charming chacha for puposes of this post:-)
The purpose of this post is to do what we as a nation failed to do on the night of August 14, 1947. Better late than never. This post offers you some indisputable facts and I will thereafter leave it entirely to you to conclude if that statement made by charming chacha Nehru has any element of truth in it. Ok, so here are the claims in charming chacha's statement that we need to check to verify if India was indeed made “independent” and FREE or if.....
OK, charming chacha Nehru's statement again...!
"At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, INDIA WILL AWAKE TO LIFE AND FREEDOM. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, WHEN WE STEP OUT FROM THE OLD TO THE NEW, WHEN AN AGE ENDS, and when the SOUL OF A NATION, long suppressed, FINDS UTTERANCE"
From the statement above, it’s clear to you that in essence, we need to check the following four claims made by Nehru to make sure to ourselves that we are indeed FREE. I have capitalized them in the statement above but also listing them separately below as they are very important:
1. Did India really wake up to LIFE & FREEDOM?
2. Did we really step out from the OLD to the NEW or does it smell like its still the old wine in a new bottle....?
3. Did the age of oppression really END?
4. And finally did the soul of our nation find its UTTERANCE?
So in the first part of this series, we will examine the first claim – Did India really wake up to LIFE & FREEDOM?
Well, I know what some of you must be thinking...Ok so let's try out an argument as we go about finding out!!
You: "Are you trying to tell us that "freedom at midnight" was a fraud? Do you understand that if that were the case then it will undermine the very basis of our constitutional experiment since 1947? This country has produced eminent authorities on constitutional law and all you have to count, if it ever does, is a Masters in Political Science and are we to believe you more than we can trust them? If our independence was just a spin played on us by the British and the Congress, do you think our constitutional lawyers and experts would fail to let us know? Why haven't any of them ever told us that ? We know that we're FREE you idiot what the heck are you crapping in this post?????"
Me: You know we're free? I agree I'm no expert on constitutional law, so could you tell me how you know we are FREE???? I'd also be thankful if you enlighten me since like you said I'm just a nobody who knows nothing...:-)
You: "How do we know??? We know it like how we know you're so dumb that you don't know it. Anyways, since you asked...we know we're free because, Gandhi drove away all the British just with his hand stick, they were so scared of his langotta and his stick that they never dared to come back here again, and we've been celebrating "Independence" day ever since, we hoist the national flag and distribute sweets, take a day off, have elections every five years, and that's how and more than anything else, our chacha Nehru told us on the night of 14 August, 1947 that we are FREE."
Me: I agree I'm not as smart as you guys and I know charming chacha Nehru told you we are FREE but don't make a big deal about elections, we had them even before 1947. Somehow I get a feeling that being FREE is not to be as simple as some one like charming chacha Nehru telling you that you are before going back to bed with Mountbatten's wife again and you believing it. Being FREE has a lot more to do with it than that...
You: "We don't know about all that and all we care is what we're told and that's what we like to believe. Now stop asking stupid, dumb questions and get on with your life..."
Me: Easy, easy folks, you're almost close but there's the catch exactly:-)! You said you've been celebrating "Independence" Day since 1947 and that's how you know you're FREE?? Well, that’s the catch!!
You: That's the catch? What catch and where??
Me: The catch is that you believe you're free and think that what you believe is what you know as true. Believing you're free is not the same as you BEING FREE. If celebrating Independence Day makes a nation free, you certainly need to think about it because a famous thinker (Goethe) once said "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." So see, the best way to enslave you more effectively, with far less effort and hugely multiplying results is simply by making you believe you're free and if that's what happened on the midnight of August 14, 1947, then we Indians are really hopelessly enslaved indeed. Like I told you in my earlier posts also that if the British(Zionist Jews included) are good at anything, its first in pulling the wool on your eyes with your own hands! So you'd better read the rest of this post and make sure for yourself if you're really FREE!!
Some of you must be losing patience with me I know and so let's continue our arguement:-)
You: "Nuf said, we don't come to your blog to be told things that we find hard to believe and find it even more hard to unbelieve the things we've always believed to be true, enough of you and your blog we're leaving...."
Me: Hey, hang on guys, this is unfair:-) You still haven't given me a chance to present the facts to you so you can check for yourself if we Indians are really FREE. First see the facts and then you conclude and tell me and may be i'll go with you this time....:-)
You: "Ok, agreed, but if you fail to convince us, we'll make sure you're history"
The deal is struck and so here we move on to check if the four claims made by charming chacha's statement hold good in the light of fact and evidence:
Here we start with the first of the four claims:
Did India awake to LIFE & FREEDOM? Were we made really FREE in 1947?
This can be studied through three aspects of our post 1947 history:
1. Symbolism of the Transfer of Power Ceremony
2. Continued practice of allegiance to the Crown
3. Name change game; real masters remained the same.
Symbolism of the Transfer of Power Ceremony – What message does it convey?
Through that statement, Nehru is in effect saying that from the midnight of August, 14, 1947, India and Indians were made FREE. Ok, so we will check how true this is. We don't have to dig up volumes of research. It’s enough to start at square one itself. And that square one indicates everything....
You: Square one? Well what is it?
Me: When an occupied nation is given "independence" and made and "free", it is customary to symbolize this event by ceremonially lowering the flag of the occupying country while that of the occupied country being made "free" is raised. I hope some of you who saw the transfer of power ceremony in Hong Kong in 1997 on TV would be able to recall how the British flag was lowered while the Chinese flag was hoisted.
Ok, so now we verify our history records to examine what happened in the case of India. Well, what say the history books in the case of India.....let's check...yea here it is and it says...."it was symbolical that Union Jack was NOT lowered; it flew proudly when the Indian flag was unfurled."
You: You mean the British flag was NOT lowered in our transfer of power ceremoney? How come none of us ever knew about this?
Me: Yep! You bet, it was NOT lowered. And may be your constitutional experts didn't want to tell you or they didn't know themselves:-)! There it is, hidden in our own history records, never brought to any of our notice in a discernable way by our history clearly says that the British flag was NOT lowered when or while our national flag was hoisted during the transfer of power ceremony.
You: Well, may be this isn't something gravely serious or that it does not indicate we weren't made FREE in 1947...
Me: You are WRONG. 100%!!
This symbolism doesn't only mean a lot, it means EVERYTHING. Everything that's going on behind the scenes and also being played out right in front of your eyes except that it’s all done in such a subtle way that you would neither recognize what's going on or would find it hard to believe even if you're explained later.
You: Not really know what to say. Well, may be it not possible to equate our freedom with the formalities of a transfer of power ceremony. It’s just a ceremony you know and you shouldn't read too deeply into it. Well, how should we explain to you? Mmm...ok, it's like this. Are you aware that we in India use the mangalasutra to symbolize marriage between a couple? However, it’s not the mangalasutra but how the couple lives after the ceremony that gives meaning to their marriage. So it's kind of that way in this case also, you see now? You are trying to interpret our freedom from the narrow prism of the observance of a mere ceremonial ritual. Grow up!!
Me: Oh yeah, I see it very clearly, thanks. And I also know that a lot of us, are good at glib talk and philosophizing. I do understand that the mangalasutra is not the marriage but by the same token would you let the groom tie it in the mother-in-law's neck than on the bride? Wouldn’t that convey a different message? What happened during the transfer of power ceremony amounts to such a transgress of meaning. Coming back to our discussion, I'm not trying to forcefully equate our freedom to the formalities of a transfer of power ceremony as much as I'm trying to tell you that the way the ceremony is celebrated speaks for itself and that we should be careful in getting the message correctly without putting our interpretations on it. We need to let the ceremony speak for itself and understand the message it conveys without coloring it with our interpretations. And going by the general awareness in India, its 100% certain that the masses neither got the true message of what the transfer of power ceremony conveyed nor do they understand its implications to the extent that they can see through it if the politicians try to explain it away as nothing serious.
You: Well, c'mon now, it was just symbolical and Nehru and Mountbatten just worked out a work around and a small compromise to avoid hurt feelings. It's just to make every one happy and smiling on that day you know...(especially Edwina?!)
Me: May be true but we shouldn't miss seeing what the symbolism was trying to convey in unmistakable terms in the name of keeping every one happy. Do not ever even for a moment forget that this world is ruled by symbols not laws. “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” said Confucius. The British know this more than you and me and if they have deliberately allowed the lapse of a defining symbolism in the transfer of power ceremony, it's not something you can wink at or ignore or take lightly.
Implications of the Message:
You: Ok, fine then. We agree it’s hard to believe this kind of a thing was allowed to happen, so if not lowering the British flag was indeed such a serious thing, how do you explain its implications?
Me: Yes it’s hard to believe it happened. A lie repeated may sound like the truth but an untold truth always seems incredible to believe when finally heard:-)!! I told you there's something fishy about this "freedom at midnight" fiasco and you didn't believe. You even got angry with me when I said Nehru's statement that we are FREE needs to be verified. Now, it’s clear to you 100% that British flag was NOT lowered during the ceremony.
When the flag of the occupying country is NOT lowered, it ONLY signifies ONE thing and that is we were NOT made FREE in 1947 in the FULL and TRUE sense of the word.
We were just made free to hold our own elections as fraudulently as the Congress can want them, make our own stupid laws that no one, especially the Congress nethas, wants to follow, make our sizzling Bollywood movies, and fend for ourselves in the mundane ordinary things of everyday life while the actual control over our economy continues to rest with the same zionist bankers who have been robbing us through the East India Company for hundreds of years.
We were just made free slaves so to say!
That is the implication.
So does Goethe's statement make sense now that none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who FALSELY believe they are FREE?
You: It sure looks like we were made to FALSELY believe that we are FREE if it really played out that way in 1947. But why will our loveable and adorable Nehru chacha join with the British and dupe us like this?
Me: Well, you never know. Perhaps he was just being thankful to the British for laying Edwina to him with perhaps Mountbatten watching it all smoking a cigar and Edwina's daughter Pamela tending to their refreshments as this was being played out at home...I don't intend to sound offensive but pardon me I'm just narrating what happened with a pinch of what might have in most certain likelihood possibly happened:-)!! (I'm grateful to the nuances of the English language for saving the day here for me!!)
Your love for Nehru and his dynasty! : (This part applies only to those die hard fans of the Nehru dynasty whose faith they continue to betray)
You: "But still why on earth would our great leader, our chacha Nehru join with the British and cheat us? We love the Congress party so much and we LOVE the Nehru dynasty so much and we in India would rather commit suicide and die than lose our LOVE for the Nehru dynasty"
Me: Well, if you so love him then for the moment let's extend to him the benefit of the doubt and reserve our conclusions till we finish reading the rest of the details I have to offer and you can think of committing suicide later!
You: "Yes, we love our chacha Nehru's dynasty so much that we are prepared to die for them. We love them so much that for the best part of 60 plus years since independence, we have not let any one else rule us than members of his family. We have voted for them in the past, we have voted for them now and we will continue to vote for members of their family whenever they are born and wherever they are born and to whomsoever they are born, Indian or foreign. We will vote for them right from their cradles to their graves. That's our birthright and you cannot take it away from us. We will die for our chacha Nehru's dearest dynasty and for our wide bottomed, pot bellied congress nethas bursting at the sides with the fat they put on living off on us, and we're even prepared to kill for their sake. Our lives are a sacrifice for their pleasure. Jai chacha Nehru, jai jai Indira, Rajiv amar rahe, hazar pranam priyathama Soniaji madam ki.....chacha Nehru ji ki jai, chacha Nehruji ki jai....huh, huh, huh, pani, pani, pani...huh...huh...huh...Priyanka Robert Wadhra ko jai...Yuv Nayak Rahul ko jai...pani...pani..pani...Singh is King, Singh is king, Singh is king, priyathama Sonia Mynoji Madam ki jai, jayaho, jayaho, jayaho Congress party....huh...huh...huh...pani...pani....pani…
Me: Ok, ok, easy, calm down now. You shouldn't get so emotional after all we're just discussing some history and politricks here and you should keep an open mind. Anyways, here's some chill, tanda, tanda pani to cool your brains:-)
Reasons offered by Nehru for NOT lowering the British flag – Do they sound valid?
You: Ok, that makes sense. Thanks so much for that tanda pani. Well, you know it wasn't about getting emotional but our hearts are squeezed with wrenching pain to hear our dear chacha Nehru did this kind of a thing. We find it hard to believe that our great leader and chacha Nehru would willfully ignore the observance of such a defining custom during the transfer of power ceremony. He sure must have had a very good reason to do so if indeed he really did allow such a thing. Do you have any facts to offer in that direction?"
Me: I understand how you feel and Oh sure, I certainly do have something in that direction also. I must certainly bring to your notice that charming chacha Nehru, perhaps knowing fully well that his actions and decisions may be questioned later, tried to play the apologetic...
Here it is in Mountbatten's own words....."When I discussed the ceremony with Nehru, he ENTIRELY agreed that this was a day they wanted everybody to be happy (Oh really, why so?), and if the lowering of the Union Jack in any way offended British SUSCEPTIBILITIES, he would CERTAINLY see that it did not take place, the more so as the Union Jack would still be flown on a dozen days a year in the Dominion."
You: "Ha, so you see, he just didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings and he wanted everyone to be happy including the British. It’s an indication of what a great paramatma our chacha Nehruji is. Now stop complaining will you? Hey, well, well, well, hang on a bit, I see something really strange at the end of Mountbatten's statement, does it say that the Union Jack would still be flown on a dozen days a year in the Dominion (India)? You mean even after we were given independence? What the shit fucking nonsense is that?"
Me: Folks, I understand your surprise, but first lets complete one thing before we move on to the next one. I'm not complaining like you think. All I'm saying is symbols and symbolism mean everything in statecraft and the conduct of polity. If the flag was NOT lowered, it means something totally unrelated to anyone's feelings not being hurt. The fact you see from Mountbatten's statement above is that Mountbatten and Nehru decided the symbolism of the ceremony between themselves and this was all somehow sought to be couched and explained away and played down with glib justifications like saying "Well, you know we are a great people and we don't want to hurt anybody's sentiments and feelings or "susceptibilities" and that's why we didn't want the British flag to be lowered you know...."
You: Do you think its wrong? Can't our beloved chacha Nehru take a decision on this in his personal capacity as our beloved leader?
Me: Absolutely not! You're missing the fine line. All I'm saying is simply that if the flag is lowered it means something and if it is NOT lowered it means something else and the two cannot be mixed up whichever way your loving, charming chacha decided to have it. And please don't bring in anybody's "susceptibilities" and sweet feeling here, it doesn't relate to this ceremony in any way. And yes, charming chacha Nehru could perhaps arrogate to himself to decide on such a defining ceremony in his "personal capacity" as our leader if only this matter pertained to something that belonged in his personal life like flirting with Mountbatten's wife.
What message did the Transfer of Ceremony convey?
You: May be true but sometimes beloved leaders take decisions and we should not question them.
Me: I'm not questioning, I'm only saying the way the ceremony was held conveys a different message whose meaning is well recognized in politics and it cannot be explained away with a bluff like Nehru sought to do. The ONLY thing I can say to Nehru's bluff is simply that this was an occasion and a ceremony which had NOTHING whatsoever to do with anybody's "susceptibilities" or sweet feelings. If this was a domestic wife-swapping party in Mountbatten's house, then I agree, Mountbatten and Nehru could take whatever decisions they liked, and like I said earlier, they could have Nehru fucking Mountbatten's wife Edwina with her daughter Pamela tending to their refreshments while Mountbatten sat and watched it all smoking a cigar....But sorry, this wasn’t a wife swapping party, it was a ceremony of defining significance to the birth of a new, FREE India and its not permissible for Mountbatten and Nehru to conduct matters of vital importance to the Indian state like they conduct their personal and family or sex life. India is not Nehru's grandfather's personal fiefdom to decide away things like he wants. This was ENTIRELY about SIGNIFYING the freeing of an occupied people through the lowering of the old flag and the hoisting of the new flag of FREE India. After all, millions of us died and allowed to be robbed of our lives for that flag to go up on that day. SYMBOLISM is EVERYTHING here.
You: You're passing comments on our beloved chacha's personal life, what if he slept with Edwina and what if he didn't, is it your concern?
Me: Absolutely not my concern! You’re side stepping the issue! Whatever charming chacha wanted to do in his personal life, he had all the freedom he wanted to do it and nobody's moralizing him on that. When you want to flirt, you flirt, and even if you want to swap partners you do it if that’s your choice in your personal life. But you cannot substitute the principles of state craft with the principles of wife swapping and what Nehru and Mountbatten did in 1947 was exactly that.
This apart, I do not have anything against wife swapping! You bet, you don’t expect someone who’s two years into a troubled marriage to look down harshly on partner swapping:-) Pardon me for a small digression here but I heard one of the most exciting ways this can happen is if you’re married to one of two beautiful twin sisters and unknown to you they switch places, like they used to do since childhood, just for some fun! And it gets grippingly romantic and exciting from there….:-)!Mmm…sure sounds interesting!!
Cool, so coming back to our story, chacha’s romance may have been a little different from that but nevertheless it’s his personal life. But the problem comes when you let that have an effect on other things. It amounts to betraying and cheating the people. Unfortunately, what Nehru did that day is the ONLY truth and that truth is simply that the British flag stood watching proudly, it was NOT lowered and that only means Indians were NOT made FREE. Nehru, Gandhi and the rest of the entire Congress were willing partners in this crime.
If we are not free, are we slaves?
You: "Hatha vidhi, we cannot take this anymore, if we're not free, then what are we now?"
Me: Go back to Goethe and you will find the answer. We Indians are a nation of hopelessly enslaved people who in Goethe's words were made by the British and the Congress party to falsely believe that we are FREE. So that makes us more hopelessly enslaved than even slaves themselves. Pretty much like Americans also think they're a FREE country!!
You: That’s it, another word and we’ll have your nerves stringed out and play guitar…
Me: Oh, yeah, that’s what the congress nethas were doing to you for decades…
You: *#@$%^
Me: *@@#%$&^*!
You: Ok, so what's the conclusion?
Me: The conclusion is that on Nehru's claim number 1, you lost the argument:-)
Ok, so let us capture our first conclusion briefly...
Conclusion 1:
The symbolism of the transfer of power ceremony proved in unmistakable terms that India was not made FREE in the TRUE and FULL sense of the term. We were only made to believe that we were made FREE. This criminality was superbly achieved with the willing and knowing complicity of the Congress, its entire bunch of leaders including half naked Gandhi and charming chacha Nehru. Charming chacha Nehru did make his best attempt to justify and explain this all away with glib talk and bluff such as saying he didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. But we now understand that this ceremony is in no way about anyone's so called sweet feelings but about facts and the fact was proved that India was not being made FREE.
So now we have seen that the first part i.e., the symbolism of the transfer of power ceremony clearly indicated that we were not made FREE. Now we will proceed to see how we continued to live under the British flag.
Continued allegiance to the British flag even after 1947
Its in this connection that what you pointed out to me in Mountbatten's statement above which says that the British flag will still be flown in this country a dozen days a year makes sense.
Yes. 99.99% of us in this country do not ever come to know that the British flag is flown right on our very icons of state such as the Secretariat even after 1947. You want proof? Not a problem. Here it is.
Check out that video, watch the beginning scenes closely, it’s right there…
More proof? No problem!:
Refer to an article titled "Union Jack Over Indian Parliament" dated 13, June 1952. The article reports of a cut motion moved by the Communists over their objection to flying the British flag on our Central Secretariat on the Queen's birthday. Well again, charming chacha Nehru sought to play it all down with justifications such as it was done as a matter of "courtesy", “international courtesy".
"Courtesy"???? Well what courtesy are we talking about here? Will the British fly the Indian flag on their Secretariat on our President's birthday? Is it a reciprocal courtesy between two independent sovereign and FREE countries or a submissive, slave courtesy of a subject to its master? For all intents and purposes, Nehru and Congress did not intend it in any other way than to indicate this as a slave status of India with respect to the British.
Unfortunately, no member of the Indian parliament did ever walk up to charming chacha Nehru and told him NOT to conduct matters of state like a wife swapping party in his house. There are a million other ways to show his “courtesy” or anything else he wanted to show to the British queen and I have absolutely no qualms in saying that he could have even showed what he was showing Edwina to the Queen of England if they so wished than blatantly indulge in an action that only amounts to indicate that India is NOT a FREE country and still a lackey of the British.
Nehru makes India a continual part of British empire and the recognizes the CROWN as its Head:
This wasn't the only time the British flag was flown after 1947. There are others such as on the occasion of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. This time the justification was that the British Crown was the head of the “Commonwealth” there it is straight from the horse's mouth… if only everyone knew what the word "commonwealth" actually meant...
Yes, some members of Parliament had the good sense to question the Congress party as to which provision in our sovereign Constitution lays down that the British “Crown” is recognized as the Head of the Commonwealth of which we are supposed to be part of. The answer to this was again the glib talk that this is done in accordance with some "conventions" and "agreements".
Agreements entered into privately with the British and unwritten conventions override even our Constitution:
So there it is people straight from the horse's mouth of Nehru and his Congress henchmen and well documented by the press in this country in 1953. In essence, the Indian government headed by the Congress party under Nehru was making it clear to us that some "conventions" and "agreements" he entered into with Mountbatten in his own personal capacity and out of his own personal whims and fancies take precedence EVEN over our own sovereign constitution. And in accordance with those "agreements" and "conventions" we continue to honor and pay allegiance to the British CROWN as slaves and subjects. This is all done away from the public glare as far as possible.
So these news reports prove to us the second aspect which is that we have continued to pay allegiance to the British Crown as subject members of the "Commonwealth".
Only names changed but East India Company remained the real master:
Now we move to the final aspect to understand that the East India Company masters retained and remained in control of our lives both after the revolt of 1857as well as after 1947.
To understand this aspect, we need to study the word "commonwealth". As you know, our government's position was that the British flag was flown because charming chacha Nehru had agreed with Mountbatten that India would continue to recognize the British CROWN as the Head of the COMMONWEALTH. The key words here are "Crown" and "Commonwealth". So we have to see what these CROWN and COMMONWEALTH actually mean...
These words are not as transparent in meaning as they appear. They are NOT!
What actually is the CROWN?
The CROWN is not the British King or Queen like we are lead to believe. The word "CROWN" is the PRIVATE CORPORATION that is the inner 'City of London' itself, also commonly known as "The City" or "The Square Mile." This square mile that makes up the center of Greater London has its own mayor, laws, courts, flag, police force and newspaper. It is the heart of the GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM:-)
It is your EAST INDIA COMPANY of the Jewish, Zionist bankers in its element.
So when Nehru and the Congress made us pay our allegiance to the British CROWN, they are in effect making us pay allegiance to the very same East India Company without letting us know what we are actually made to do. The CROWN is the smoke screen for the East India Company that has for hundreds of years robbed and looted this country.
Here are some facts about the CROWN Corporation to which charming chacha Nehru and the rest of the Congress lackeys of the British have sold our country:
1. Like Vatican City, the inner city of London is also a privately owned corporation or city state.
2. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when William III of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the private bankers.
3. In 1812, Nathan Rothschild crashed the stock market and gained control over the Bank of England.
4. The city state of London is the financial power center of the world and the wealthiest square mile on the earth.
5. It houses the Rothschild controlled bank of England, Lloyds of London, the London stock exchange, all British banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, and 70 US banks.
6. Its not part of greater London, or England or the British Commonwealth and pays no taxes.
7. It also houses publishing monopolies.
8. Its also the HQ for world wide English freemasonry...mmm that's interesting because chacha Nehru was also a Freemason and his allegiance is evidently to the British queen and not to this country.
9. And also the HQ for the world wide money cartel known as the CROWN.
10. Contrary to popular belief, the Crown is not the royal family or the British monarch, the CROWN is the private, corporate city-state of London.
It is the very Corporation that still rules India and USA by creating the illusion that their peoples are FREE.
So the "Crown" operating from what is known as "The Square Mile" denotes the sanctum sanctorum of the City of London, a Private Corporation from which the Zionist, Jewish bankers who held a controlling interest in the East India Company still operate from. This square mile recognizes no outside law, it owes no allegiance to any outside power, it is NOT a part of greater London or the United Kingdom, it is a law unto itself and it is to this den of banking thieves known as the CROWN or the Corporation of London that our charming chacha Nehru surrendered our freedom and acted in concert with them to create the illusion that we are FREE.
Just think for a moment. Just why will the East India Company which held an empire in India that was far greater and immensely richer than any other empire on earth in history and having such immense prospects opening up in America would ever really relinquish control over us? Just because a few petty rajah and disgruntled sepoys revolted sporadically here and there in 1857? Are they fools? If a petty business man in India is able to hold property worth a few paltry lacs of rupees under benami names, do you think the East India Company surrendered India to someone else and ran away after 1857? They simply created a smoke screen of the CROWN and said power is being transferred to the CROWN and nobody ever told you that the CROWN only means them under a different name. Its just a name change game.
Also, why would they pay taxes to anyone in London if their empire is bigger than Britain itself? The East India Company never relinquished its control of either India or America. It just morphed and shape shifted into a sovereign city state corporation from which it continued to rule us and Americans to this day through a network of politicians who are all freemasons including our own Nehru, Gandhi and 90% of all our Congress politicians and ALL freemasons owe allegiance to the British crown and not to their native people or governments.
This corporation of London is ruled by a council of 13 representative of the world's wealthiest banking families. The Crown Corporation owns the title to world wide crown lands in crown colonies like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The British Parliament and the British PM are the public front for this ruling banking families.
What is the “COMMONWEALTH”?
So now, we return to charming chacha Nehru's shadow play in 1947.
Now it’s clear to you that the CROWN is not the British royal family but the morphed and shape shifted East India Company now operating as the Corporation of London. Hold that understanding close as we will use it next to understand how this affects us being part of the "commonwealth" that Nehru made us part of.
India joined the British Commonwealth of Nations, which recognized the British sovereign as head of the Commonwealth to whom all dominions had to swear allegiance, thanks to half naked Gandhi and charming chacha Nehru and the rest of the Congress. On 2 May 1949, after the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference in London, British Prime Minister Clement Attlee declared that with reference to the London agreement that no distinction should be drawn between the use of the terms ‘Commonwealth’, ‘British Commonwealth’ or ‘British Empire’, all of which should be regarded as interchangeable”.
Interchangeable terms? Oh ok!! So if India is a part of "British Commonwealth", it means that we are part of the "British Empire" because the two are interchangeable terms.
Appreciating Nehru’s role in the 1949 London Conference, Attlee said: “Mr. Nehru for India showed high statesmanship in accepting a new relationship whereby in respect for India, the [British] monarch was recognized as Head of the Commonwealth.”
So in effect, charming chacha went to London as a lackey of the British and came back with a pat on his back from Atlee that he appreciates Nehru's so called "statesmanship" in making India a continual part of the British empire and also in recognizing the CROWN as the Head of the "Commonwealth"...err I mean the "empire"...:-)
Not sure if he was given another chance to lay Edwina again or even Elizabeth:-)
So the Indian government, headed by charming chacha Nehru, as late as in 1953 and even in 1959 was telling us all that we are still part of the "Commonwealth" meaning the "British Empire" which is as much as saying we are still subjects and not FREE men, we are not an "independent" country.
If we’re part of an “empire”, then how is this country FREE? You are NOT a FREE country, if not in theory then certainly not in practice, when you are part of someone else's EMPIRE, whether functional overtly or operating covertly.
The Independence Day Irony
Some of you may scream out loud that the Constituent Assembly swore to make India a Sovereign, INDEPENDENT, republic. And how can you now say that we are not FREE or INDEPENDENT?
Oh! well, that was well taken care of by charming chacha Nehru if you didn't know. Nehru is individually and personally responsible for dropping the word "INDEPENDENT" from the Constitution of India. Well, the justification was again the usual bluff that "independent" is already implied in the word "sovereign" and that there isn't a need to repeat it again so he wanted it to be dropped.
C'mon. The Indian Constitution, thanks to its lawyer authors, is THE biggest in the world and are you saying there wasn't enough room to repeat one single word called "independent" if it really amounted to "repetition" in the first place? Who are you kidding? And does Nehru as a lawyer wants us to believe that the words "sovereign" and "independent" can be construed as repetitive?
The real reason is evident and obvious. Nehru did not intend India to be INDEPENDENT. Why? Because together with Mountbatten they have already drawn up plans to make India a subservient part in the "commonwealth" which is the "British empire". And that plot and crime cannot be enacted if the word "independent" is allowed to hang around in the constitution. It would lead to a contradiction in terms. It would become a conflict in constitutional theory and practice. So it was very artfully, tactfully and masterfully removed by our charming chacha Nehru through specific instructions to the Constituent Assembly.
So people, our so called "Independence Day" is a day without "Independence" as defined by our own Constitution. That's the wool on your eyes:-) And it was drawn with your own hands:-)
Its simply a "Sovereign Day". You know you can be sovereign with respect to a certain sphere of governance but can still be taking your orders, in a covert or overt manner, from an external power. That's exactly what Mountbatten, Gandhi and Nehru devised behind the scenes. The Indian Government is Sovereign with respect to all governance in India? oh YES but is it INDEPENDENT? oh NO, not rally. We have very subtle and secret mechanisms in place and front men to work for the Zionist bankers that the robbery goes on right through our noses. While in theory, this distinction can be easily erased with a bluff like Nehru used by saying Oh, "independent" is already implied in the word "sovereign", its virtually impossible to see how this is being done so in actual practice.
That's the sophistication of the deception in the changed realities of the neo-colonial world.
For a brief understanding, put it all this way. The Rothschild bankers were the ones who held a controlling interest in the East India Company. So if you read in your history books that the 1857 sepoy mutiny in India resulted in transferring the power from the company to the CROWN, you now know what it means. There was no real change whatsoever! The East India Company continued to exercise its ownership of India through another front called the CROWN which as you have seen above is only a private corporation which the same banking families who owned East India Company still run to this day. And the same way, when you read that half naked Gandhi, charming chacha Nehru and the congress party claimed "independence" for India in 1947 while making India a part of the "commonwealth" i.e. the "British empire", know that it’s the same name change game. They simply replaced the British administration through the CROWN which functioned till 1947 with Congress front men who in turn under Nehru’s leadership returned the favor with dropping the word “Independent” from the preamble of our constitution and also by making India a subject part of the British “Commonwealth” meaning British Empire and continuing to fly the British Union Jack over our state symbols of sovereignty with specifically pleading with the British not to publicize this. That’s how you did not know this happening…but this is what has been happening.
Since the "CROWN" is the one power that calls the shots in the "commonwealth", so as a part of it, India continues to remain under the East India Company clutches. They simply pulled the wool down on your eyes again! The words "Company" and "Crown" were now replaced with the word "Commonwealth":-)
OK, so we conclude now that India was not made either FREE or INDEPENDET on our so called independence day on the midnight of 14 August, 1947.
Here is the sequence of events and the modus operandi of these criminals:
First Deception
1. After the Sepoy Mutiy of 1857, the CROWN assumed control of India.
2. But the CROWN is not the royal family of Britain like we are lead to believe but the privately owned Corporation of London.
3. The Jewish, Zionist banking families that controlled the East India Company were the same as those that ruled this Corporation of London.
4. Hence, it was only a name change game but our masters remained the East India Company.
Second Deception
1. This rule by the so called CROWN continued till 1947.
2. Mountbatten and Nehru decide to conduct the Transfer of Power ceremony without lowering the British flag.
3. Nehru agrees to fly the British flag twelve days a year even after Independence.
4. This was sought to be done secretly avoiding publicity as best as possible.
5. Nehru agrees with the British privately and decides to make India part of the Commonwealth.
6. On the face of it, this is passed off as nothing bad as the so called “commonwealth” is defined officially as a grouping of all the countries formerly ruled by Britain now forming a voluntary union.
7. But away from the public eye, the “commonwealth” is given another definition which equates it with “British empire”.
8. To make India a part of the British Empire, Nehru moves a resolution in our Constituent Assembly instructing the framers to remove the word “independent” from the name of our country.
9. This was sought to be explained away with a bluff saying they were just avoiding a repetition which it was not.
10. Thus with a clever sophistry of deception and fraud, characteristic of Zionist bankers and the East India Company practices, and the willing and knowing complicity of Gandhi, Nehru and the Congress party, India was made a historical anomaly of a “sovereign” country without “independence” creating only a semblance of independence but not in substance.
11. This was all done inaugurate the new phase of colonial robbery of India in a far more subtle and secretive manner to suit the new realities of the 21st century.
Exactly how this robbery is continued, we will see in the second part of this series.
Jai Hind....ooops should we say Jai East India Company??????
(To be continued…)
Dayavanth M Emmanuel
Now for some picturesque speech...:-)

Mountbatten: Honey, it looks like your hair do is having the right effect on him
Edwina: You bet, he sure looks like he’s dazed and charmed….I’ll take it forward from here...!

Nehru: I swear by my country and its people from now on, I’ll only smoke these ladies cigarettes Edwina gives me.

Nehru & Edwina – Igniting each other’s passions?!

Nehru: Does this moron know you were sucking on me last night?
Edwina: We actually have a word for it, its called playing the “understanding” husband.
Mountbatten: Oh yeah, she told me yours was the sickest thing she ever did for the British Crown!

I told you Leonardo Di Caprios used to wear Gandhi caps and Kate Winslets used to look like fucked up grannies in 1947 and you didn’t believe me, see…!!
Hey, where’s Mountbatten looking?! What do you do when your wife’s fucking someone else? Simple, look the other way!!

Mountbatten: Are those UFOs in the sky?
General in the front: Huh, when I go back to Britain, I’ll write a book on the real story behind what UFOs are and when men see them…!

Edwina: This diary contains the complete list of all the dates when we made love
Nehru: I love the one we made on the night of 14, August 1947. Boy, it’s really good to fool around with you and fool my country as well.

Mountbatten: This way please Sir…honey he's all yours...
Edwina: Oh, gosh, do I have to suck on this old fucker now?

Nehru: I wish my country never got freedom so this farewell wouldn't be happening...
What’s a post on “independence” 60 plus years after it happened going to tell you that’s new is the question, no???!!
We in India know that the history of the East India Company in India is unparalleled in the history of entire mankind in using fraud, deceit, rapacity and every other gross immorality and wickedness in the inventory of evil for the purpose of acquiring an empire by a commercial company solely for gain and greed. As you are aware, this was achieved with the active and passive military collaboration of many Indian princes.
History says the British monarchy assumed control after the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 and finally “Independence” was granted to India in 1947 due to the freedom struggle lead by Gandhi and Nehru.
This post attempts to look behind the mask of this official version of history to check if the East India Company, and the Jewish Zionist money lenders who owned it have not used the same methods of fraud and deception to retain their empire in India this time with the willing and knowing collaboration of Indian politicians.
Read on and see if what you find is chilling, startling truth:-)!
Ok, so ye all know that we Indians received our independence from centuries old opression of the British on the midnight of August 14, 1947 and bla, bla, bla...but the BIG question is why at midnight? Why all that hype and drama about receiving freedom at midnight? And finally if we are indeed "FREE"?????
To understand this "Freedom at Midnight" fraud, we first look at the statement made by Nehru on this "momentous" (or is it?) occasion...
"At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to LIFE AND FREEDOM. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the OLD to the NEW, when an age ENDS, and when the SOUL OF A NATION, long suppressed, FINDS UTTERANCE"
-- Jawaharlal Nehru Claiming Independence from British
Midnight of August 14, 1947
With those high sounding words Nehru claimed "independence" for all ye Indians, my poor country men long oppressed and suppressed that is, under the clutches of the British rule, and heralded the "end of an age" (really?!), and told us all that we, as a nation, have finally found utterance for our soul....
WOW!!....I guess the only thing he forgot to add was simply that "We Indians will live happily ever after..." and it would have then been like in a fairy tale with chacha Nehru and members of his dynasty playing our demi gods generation after generation, looking after us through their coterie of wide bottomed, pot bellied Congress nethas, with the atma of the mahatma smiling down at us from over the clouds and gentle showers of flowers falling all around us as we go about our every day lives wrapt in blissfull nirvana....but hey hang on a minute, are we missing something here??????
How did the fairy tale ending that echoed through Nehru's statement on the night of 14, August, 1947 distort into a grotesque nightmare for millions of Indians? There's something wrong somewhere, the picture of "independent" India is more crooked and distorted than Nehru was trying to paint it to be, our experience of "independence" has certainly not been as sweet as Nehru promised.....mmm....what could have gone wrong...does it have anything to do with being made free at midnight you think?:-)
You know people, we Indians, the drifting, directionless, toiling and manipulated masses that we were in 1947, and even more so today, were so filled with the euphoria of the moment that our grand fathers failed to check with chacha Nehru if what he claimed in his statement on the night of August 14, 1947 is all true. But well, they couldn't quite do it because like I told you, they were swayed by the euphoria generated by this announcement of the British and Nehru's subsequent high sounding statement that for a moment, everything else receded into the sidelines of life and that one unguarded moment was all that the British and their Indian collaborators needed to dupe and trick the masses in India into believing this "freedom at midnight" fraud that keeps us duped till today...
And another reason Nehru was not available to check could perhaps be that immediately after he made his statement, Edwina (Mountbatten's wife) pulled him back into bed so it really wasn't possible for our grand fathers to check with him even if they intended to. You shouldn't forget that chacha Nehru was also a charming lover boy (or grandpa?) for whom the Viceroy's wife (or whore?!) herself droooooled. And if their romance were not because of chacha being charming in any sense, it may be more because Zionist Jewesses with leaky cracks are always round the corner in the corridors of power all over the world to readily pitch in and do whatever it takes with finesse and ease to forward the Zionist agenda:-)! And when it comes to serving the British Crown or getting a favor for the powers that be in London, these Jewesses come in handy as good lays....Anyways, we'll call him charming chacha for puposes of this post:-)
The purpose of this post is to do what we as a nation failed to do on the night of August 14, 1947. Better late than never. This post offers you some indisputable facts and I will thereafter leave it entirely to you to conclude if that statement made by charming chacha Nehru has any element of truth in it. Ok, so here are the claims in charming chacha's statement that we need to check to verify if India was indeed made “independent” and FREE or if.....
OK, charming chacha Nehru's statement again...!
"At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, INDIA WILL AWAKE TO LIFE AND FREEDOM. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, WHEN WE STEP OUT FROM THE OLD TO THE NEW, WHEN AN AGE ENDS, and when the SOUL OF A NATION, long suppressed, FINDS UTTERANCE"
From the statement above, it’s clear to you that in essence, we need to check the following four claims made by Nehru to make sure to ourselves that we are indeed FREE. I have capitalized them in the statement above but also listing them separately below as they are very important:
1. Did India really wake up to LIFE & FREEDOM?
2. Did we really step out from the OLD to the NEW or does it smell like its still the old wine in a new bottle....?
3. Did the age of oppression really END?
4. And finally did the soul of our nation find its UTTERANCE?
So in the first part of this series, we will examine the first claim – Did India really wake up to LIFE & FREEDOM?
Well, I know what some of you must be thinking...Ok so let's try out an argument as we go about finding out!!
You: "Are you trying to tell us that "freedom at midnight" was a fraud? Do you understand that if that were the case then it will undermine the very basis of our constitutional experiment since 1947? This country has produced eminent authorities on constitutional law and all you have to count, if it ever does, is a Masters in Political Science and are we to believe you more than we can trust them? If our independence was just a spin played on us by the British and the Congress, do you think our constitutional lawyers and experts would fail to let us know? Why haven't any of them ever told us that ? We know that we're FREE you idiot what the heck are you crapping in this post?????"
Me: You know we're free? I agree I'm no expert on constitutional law, so could you tell me how you know we are FREE???? I'd also be thankful if you enlighten me since like you said I'm just a nobody who knows nothing...:-)
You: "How do we know??? We know it like how we know you're so dumb that you don't know it. Anyways, since you asked...we know we're free because, Gandhi drove away all the British just with his hand stick, they were so scared of his langotta and his stick that they never dared to come back here again, and we've been celebrating "Independence" day ever since, we hoist the national flag and distribute sweets, take a day off, have elections every five years, and that's how and more than anything else, our chacha Nehru told us on the night of 14 August, 1947 that we are FREE."
Me: I agree I'm not as smart as you guys and I know charming chacha Nehru told you we are FREE but don't make a big deal about elections, we had them even before 1947. Somehow I get a feeling that being FREE is not to be as simple as some one like charming chacha Nehru telling you that you are before going back to bed with Mountbatten's wife again and you believing it. Being FREE has a lot more to do with it than that...
You: "We don't know about all that and all we care is what we're told and that's what we like to believe. Now stop asking stupid, dumb questions and get on with your life..."
Me: Easy, easy folks, you're almost close but there's the catch exactly:-)! You said you've been celebrating "Independence" Day since 1947 and that's how you know you're FREE?? Well, that’s the catch!!
You: That's the catch? What catch and where??
Me: The catch is that you believe you're free and think that what you believe is what you know as true. Believing you're free is not the same as you BEING FREE. If celebrating Independence Day makes a nation free, you certainly need to think about it because a famous thinker (Goethe) once said "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." So see, the best way to enslave you more effectively, with far less effort and hugely multiplying results is simply by making you believe you're free and if that's what happened on the midnight of August 14, 1947, then we Indians are really hopelessly enslaved indeed. Like I told you in my earlier posts also that if the British(Zionist Jews included) are good at anything, its first in pulling the wool on your eyes with your own hands! So you'd better read the rest of this post and make sure for yourself if you're really FREE!!
Some of you must be losing patience with me I know and so let's continue our arguement:-)
You: "Nuf said, we don't come to your blog to be told things that we find hard to believe and find it even more hard to unbelieve the things we've always believed to be true, enough of you and your blog we're leaving...."
Me: Hey, hang on guys, this is unfair:-) You still haven't given me a chance to present the facts to you so you can check for yourself if we Indians are really FREE. First see the facts and then you conclude and tell me and may be i'll go with you this time....:-)
You: "Ok, agreed, but if you fail to convince us, we'll make sure you're history"
The deal is struck and so here we move on to check if the four claims made by charming chacha's statement hold good in the light of fact and evidence:
Here we start with the first of the four claims:
Did India awake to LIFE & FREEDOM? Were we made really FREE in 1947?
This can be studied through three aspects of our post 1947 history:
1. Symbolism of the Transfer of Power Ceremony
2. Continued practice of allegiance to the Crown
3. Name change game; real masters remained the same.
Symbolism of the Transfer of Power Ceremony – What message does it convey?
Through that statement, Nehru is in effect saying that from the midnight of August, 14, 1947, India and Indians were made FREE. Ok, so we will check how true this is. We don't have to dig up volumes of research. It’s enough to start at square one itself. And that square one indicates everything....
You: Square one? Well what is it?
Me: When an occupied nation is given "independence" and made and "free", it is customary to symbolize this event by ceremonially lowering the flag of the occupying country while that of the occupied country being made "free" is raised. I hope some of you who saw the transfer of power ceremony in Hong Kong in 1997 on TV would be able to recall how the British flag was lowered while the Chinese flag was hoisted.
Ok, so now we verify our history records to examine what happened in the case of India. Well, what say the history books in the case of India.....let's check...yea here it is and it says...."it was symbolical that Union Jack was NOT lowered; it flew proudly when the Indian flag was unfurled."
You: You mean the British flag was NOT lowered in our transfer of power ceremoney? How come none of us ever knew about this?
Me: Yep! You bet, it was NOT lowered. And may be your constitutional experts didn't want to tell you or they didn't know themselves:-)! There it is, hidden in our own history records, never brought to any of our notice in a discernable way by our history clearly says that the British flag was NOT lowered when or while our national flag was hoisted during the transfer of power ceremony.
You: Well, may be this isn't something gravely serious or that it does not indicate we weren't made FREE in 1947...
Me: You are WRONG. 100%!!
This symbolism doesn't only mean a lot, it means EVERYTHING. Everything that's going on behind the scenes and also being played out right in front of your eyes except that it’s all done in such a subtle way that you would neither recognize what's going on or would find it hard to believe even if you're explained later.
You: Not really know what to say. Well, may be it not possible to equate our freedom with the formalities of a transfer of power ceremony. It’s just a ceremony you know and you shouldn't read too deeply into it. Well, how should we explain to you? Mmm...ok, it's like this. Are you aware that we in India use the mangalasutra to symbolize marriage between a couple? However, it’s not the mangalasutra but how the couple lives after the ceremony that gives meaning to their marriage. So it's kind of that way in this case also, you see now? You are trying to interpret our freedom from the narrow prism of the observance of a mere ceremonial ritual. Grow up!!
Me: Oh yeah, I see it very clearly, thanks. And I also know that a lot of us, are good at glib talk and philosophizing. I do understand that the mangalasutra is not the marriage but by the same token would you let the groom tie it in the mother-in-law's neck than on the bride? Wouldn’t that convey a different message? What happened during the transfer of power ceremony amounts to such a transgress of meaning. Coming back to our discussion, I'm not trying to forcefully equate our freedom to the formalities of a transfer of power ceremony as much as I'm trying to tell you that the way the ceremony is celebrated speaks for itself and that we should be careful in getting the message correctly without putting our interpretations on it. We need to let the ceremony speak for itself and understand the message it conveys without coloring it with our interpretations. And going by the general awareness in India, its 100% certain that the masses neither got the true message of what the transfer of power ceremony conveyed nor do they understand its implications to the extent that they can see through it if the politicians try to explain it away as nothing serious.
You: Well, c'mon now, it was just symbolical and Nehru and Mountbatten just worked out a work around and a small compromise to avoid hurt feelings. It's just to make every one happy and smiling on that day you know...(especially Edwina?!)
Me: May be true but we shouldn't miss seeing what the symbolism was trying to convey in unmistakable terms in the name of keeping every one happy. Do not ever even for a moment forget that this world is ruled by symbols not laws. “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” said Confucius. The British know this more than you and me and if they have deliberately allowed the lapse of a defining symbolism in the transfer of power ceremony, it's not something you can wink at or ignore or take lightly.
Implications of the Message:
You: Ok, fine then. We agree it’s hard to believe this kind of a thing was allowed to happen, so if not lowering the British flag was indeed such a serious thing, how do you explain its implications?
Me: Yes it’s hard to believe it happened. A lie repeated may sound like the truth but an untold truth always seems incredible to believe when finally heard:-)!! I told you there's something fishy about this "freedom at midnight" fiasco and you didn't believe. You even got angry with me when I said Nehru's statement that we are FREE needs to be verified. Now, it’s clear to you 100% that British flag was NOT lowered during the ceremony.
When the flag of the occupying country is NOT lowered, it ONLY signifies ONE thing and that is we were NOT made FREE in 1947 in the FULL and TRUE sense of the word.
We were just made free to hold our own elections as fraudulently as the Congress can want them, make our own stupid laws that no one, especially the Congress nethas, wants to follow, make our sizzling Bollywood movies, and fend for ourselves in the mundane ordinary things of everyday life while the actual control over our economy continues to rest with the same zionist bankers who have been robbing us through the East India Company for hundreds of years.
We were just made free slaves so to say!
That is the implication.
So does Goethe's statement make sense now that none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who FALSELY believe they are FREE?
You: It sure looks like we were made to FALSELY believe that we are FREE if it really played out that way in 1947. But why will our loveable and adorable Nehru chacha join with the British and dupe us like this?
Me: Well, you never know. Perhaps he was just being thankful to the British for laying Edwina to him with perhaps Mountbatten watching it all smoking a cigar and Edwina's daughter Pamela tending to their refreshments as this was being played out at home...I don't intend to sound offensive but pardon me I'm just narrating what happened with a pinch of what might have in most certain likelihood possibly happened:-)!! (I'm grateful to the nuances of the English language for saving the day here for me!!)
Your love for Nehru and his dynasty! : (This part applies only to those die hard fans of the Nehru dynasty whose faith they continue to betray)
You: "But still why on earth would our great leader, our chacha Nehru join with the British and cheat us? We love the Congress party so much and we LOVE the Nehru dynasty so much and we in India would rather commit suicide and die than lose our LOVE for the Nehru dynasty"
Me: Well, if you so love him then for the moment let's extend to him the benefit of the doubt and reserve our conclusions till we finish reading the rest of the details I have to offer and you can think of committing suicide later!
You: "Yes, we love our chacha Nehru's dynasty so much that we are prepared to die for them. We love them so much that for the best part of 60 plus years since independence, we have not let any one else rule us than members of his family. We have voted for them in the past, we have voted for them now and we will continue to vote for members of their family whenever they are born and wherever they are born and to whomsoever they are born, Indian or foreign. We will vote for them right from their cradles to their graves. That's our birthright and you cannot take it away from us. We will die for our chacha Nehru's dearest dynasty and for our wide bottomed, pot bellied congress nethas bursting at the sides with the fat they put on living off on us, and we're even prepared to kill for their sake. Our lives are a sacrifice for their pleasure. Jai chacha Nehru, jai jai Indira, Rajiv amar rahe, hazar pranam priyathama Soniaji madam ki.....chacha Nehru ji ki jai, chacha Nehruji ki jai....huh, huh, huh, pani, pani, pani...huh...huh...huh...Priyanka Robert Wadhra ko jai...Yuv Nayak Rahul ko jai...pani...pani..pani...Singh is King, Singh is king, Singh is king, priyathama Sonia Mynoji Madam ki jai, jayaho, jayaho, jayaho Congress party....huh...huh...huh...pani...pani....pani…
Me: Ok, ok, easy, calm down now. You shouldn't get so emotional after all we're just discussing some history and politricks here and you should keep an open mind. Anyways, here's some chill, tanda, tanda pani to cool your brains:-)
Reasons offered by Nehru for NOT lowering the British flag – Do they sound valid?
You: Ok, that makes sense. Thanks so much for that tanda pani. Well, you know it wasn't about getting emotional but our hearts are squeezed with wrenching pain to hear our dear chacha Nehru did this kind of a thing. We find it hard to believe that our great leader and chacha Nehru would willfully ignore the observance of such a defining custom during the transfer of power ceremony. He sure must have had a very good reason to do so if indeed he really did allow such a thing. Do you have any facts to offer in that direction?"
Me: I understand how you feel and Oh sure, I certainly do have something in that direction also. I must certainly bring to your notice that charming chacha Nehru, perhaps knowing fully well that his actions and decisions may be questioned later, tried to play the apologetic...
Here it is in Mountbatten's own words....."When I discussed the ceremony with Nehru, he ENTIRELY agreed that this was a day they wanted everybody to be happy (Oh really, why so?), and if the lowering of the Union Jack in any way offended British SUSCEPTIBILITIES, he would CERTAINLY see that it did not take place, the more so as the Union Jack would still be flown on a dozen days a year in the Dominion."
You: "Ha, so you see, he just didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings and he wanted everyone to be happy including the British. It’s an indication of what a great paramatma our chacha Nehruji is. Now stop complaining will you? Hey, well, well, well, hang on a bit, I see something really strange at the end of Mountbatten's statement, does it say that the Union Jack would still be flown on a dozen days a year in the Dominion (India)? You mean even after we were given independence? What the shit fucking nonsense is that?"
Me: Folks, I understand your surprise, but first lets complete one thing before we move on to the next one. I'm not complaining like you think. All I'm saying is symbols and symbolism mean everything in statecraft and the conduct of polity. If the flag was NOT lowered, it means something totally unrelated to anyone's feelings not being hurt. The fact you see from Mountbatten's statement above is that Mountbatten and Nehru decided the symbolism of the ceremony between themselves and this was all somehow sought to be couched and explained away and played down with glib justifications like saying "Well, you know we are a great people and we don't want to hurt anybody's sentiments and feelings or "susceptibilities" and that's why we didn't want the British flag to be lowered you know...."
You: Do you think its wrong? Can't our beloved chacha Nehru take a decision on this in his personal capacity as our beloved leader?
Me: Absolutely not! You're missing the fine line. All I'm saying is simply that if the flag is lowered it means something and if it is NOT lowered it means something else and the two cannot be mixed up whichever way your loving, charming chacha decided to have it. And please don't bring in anybody's "susceptibilities" and sweet feeling here, it doesn't relate to this ceremony in any way. And yes, charming chacha Nehru could perhaps arrogate to himself to decide on such a defining ceremony in his "personal capacity" as our leader if only this matter pertained to something that belonged in his personal life like flirting with Mountbatten's wife.
What message did the Transfer of Ceremony convey?
You: May be true but sometimes beloved leaders take decisions and we should not question them.
Me: I'm not questioning, I'm only saying the way the ceremony was held conveys a different message whose meaning is well recognized in politics and it cannot be explained away with a bluff like Nehru sought to do. The ONLY thing I can say to Nehru's bluff is simply that this was an occasion and a ceremony which had NOTHING whatsoever to do with anybody's "susceptibilities" or sweet feelings. If this was a domestic wife-swapping party in Mountbatten's house, then I agree, Mountbatten and Nehru could take whatever decisions they liked, and like I said earlier, they could have Nehru fucking Mountbatten's wife Edwina with her daughter Pamela tending to their refreshments while Mountbatten sat and watched it all smoking a cigar....But sorry, this wasn’t a wife swapping party, it was a ceremony of defining significance to the birth of a new, FREE India and its not permissible for Mountbatten and Nehru to conduct matters of vital importance to the Indian state like they conduct their personal and family or sex life. India is not Nehru's grandfather's personal fiefdom to decide away things like he wants. This was ENTIRELY about SIGNIFYING the freeing of an occupied people through the lowering of the old flag and the hoisting of the new flag of FREE India. After all, millions of us died and allowed to be robbed of our lives for that flag to go up on that day. SYMBOLISM is EVERYTHING here.
You: You're passing comments on our beloved chacha's personal life, what if he slept with Edwina and what if he didn't, is it your concern?
Me: Absolutely not my concern! You’re side stepping the issue! Whatever charming chacha wanted to do in his personal life, he had all the freedom he wanted to do it and nobody's moralizing him on that. When you want to flirt, you flirt, and even if you want to swap partners you do it if that’s your choice in your personal life. But you cannot substitute the principles of state craft with the principles of wife swapping and what Nehru and Mountbatten did in 1947 was exactly that.
This apart, I do not have anything against wife swapping! You bet, you don’t expect someone who’s two years into a troubled marriage to look down harshly on partner swapping:-) Pardon me for a small digression here but I heard one of the most exciting ways this can happen is if you’re married to one of two beautiful twin sisters and unknown to you they switch places, like they used to do since childhood, just for some fun! And it gets grippingly romantic and exciting from there….:-)!Mmm…sure sounds interesting!!
Cool, so coming back to our story, chacha’s romance may have been a little different from that but nevertheless it’s his personal life. But the problem comes when you let that have an effect on other things. It amounts to betraying and cheating the people. Unfortunately, what Nehru did that day is the ONLY truth and that truth is simply that the British flag stood watching proudly, it was NOT lowered and that only means Indians were NOT made FREE. Nehru, Gandhi and the rest of the entire Congress were willing partners in this crime.
If we are not free, are we slaves?
You: "Hatha vidhi, we cannot take this anymore, if we're not free, then what are we now?"
Me: Go back to Goethe and you will find the answer. We Indians are a nation of hopelessly enslaved people who in Goethe's words were made by the British and the Congress party to falsely believe that we are FREE. So that makes us more hopelessly enslaved than even slaves themselves. Pretty much like Americans also think they're a FREE country!!
You: That’s it, another word and we’ll have your nerves stringed out and play guitar…
Me: Oh, yeah, that’s what the congress nethas were doing to you for decades…
You: *#@$%^
Me: *@@#%$&^*!
You: Ok, so what's the conclusion?
Me: The conclusion is that on Nehru's claim number 1, you lost the argument:-)
Ok, so let us capture our first conclusion briefly...
Conclusion 1:
The symbolism of the transfer of power ceremony proved in unmistakable terms that India was not made FREE in the TRUE and FULL sense of the term. We were only made to believe that we were made FREE. This criminality was superbly achieved with the willing and knowing complicity of the Congress, its entire bunch of leaders including half naked Gandhi and charming chacha Nehru. Charming chacha Nehru did make his best attempt to justify and explain this all away with glib talk and bluff such as saying he didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. But we now understand that this ceremony is in no way about anyone's so called sweet feelings but about facts and the fact was proved that India was not being made FREE.
So now we have seen that the first part i.e., the symbolism of the transfer of power ceremony clearly indicated that we were not made FREE. Now we will proceed to see how we continued to live under the British flag.
Continued allegiance to the British flag even after 1947
Its in this connection that what you pointed out to me in Mountbatten's statement above which says that the British flag will still be flown in this country a dozen days a year makes sense.
Yes. 99.99% of us in this country do not ever come to know that the British flag is flown right on our very icons of state such as the Secretariat even after 1947. You want proof? Not a problem. Here it is.
Check out that video, watch the beginning scenes closely, it’s right there…
More proof? No problem!:
Refer to an article titled "Union Jack Over Indian Parliament" dated 13, June 1952. The article reports of a cut motion moved by the Communists over their objection to flying the British flag on our Central Secretariat on the Queen's birthday. Well again, charming chacha Nehru sought to play it all down with justifications such as it was done as a matter of "courtesy", “international courtesy".
"Courtesy"???? Well what courtesy are we talking about here? Will the British fly the Indian flag on their Secretariat on our President's birthday? Is it a reciprocal courtesy between two independent sovereign and FREE countries or a submissive, slave courtesy of a subject to its master? For all intents and purposes, Nehru and Congress did not intend it in any other way than to indicate this as a slave status of India with respect to the British.
Unfortunately, no member of the Indian parliament did ever walk up to charming chacha Nehru and told him NOT to conduct matters of state like a wife swapping party in his house. There are a million other ways to show his “courtesy” or anything else he wanted to show to the British queen and I have absolutely no qualms in saying that he could have even showed what he was showing Edwina to the Queen of England if they so wished than blatantly indulge in an action that only amounts to indicate that India is NOT a FREE country and still a lackey of the British.
Nehru makes India a continual part of British empire and the recognizes the CROWN as its Head:
This wasn't the only time the British flag was flown after 1947. There are others such as on the occasion of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. This time the justification was that the British Crown was the head of the “Commonwealth” there it is straight from the horse's mouth… if only everyone knew what the word "commonwealth" actually meant...
Yes, some members of Parliament had the good sense to question the Congress party as to which provision in our sovereign Constitution lays down that the British “Crown” is recognized as the Head of the Commonwealth of which we are supposed to be part of. The answer to this was again the glib talk that this is done in accordance with some "conventions" and "agreements".
Agreements entered into privately with the British and unwritten conventions override even our Constitution:
So there it is people straight from the horse's mouth of Nehru and his Congress henchmen and well documented by the press in this country in 1953. In essence, the Indian government headed by the Congress party under Nehru was making it clear to us that some "conventions" and "agreements" he entered into with Mountbatten in his own personal capacity and out of his own personal whims and fancies take precedence EVEN over our own sovereign constitution. And in accordance with those "agreements" and "conventions" we continue to honor and pay allegiance to the British CROWN as slaves and subjects. This is all done away from the public glare as far as possible.
So these news reports prove to us the second aspect which is that we have continued to pay allegiance to the British Crown as subject members of the "Commonwealth".
Only names changed but East India Company remained the real master:
Now we move to the final aspect to understand that the East India Company masters retained and remained in control of our lives both after the revolt of 1857as well as after 1947.
To understand this aspect, we need to study the word "commonwealth". As you know, our government's position was that the British flag was flown because charming chacha Nehru had agreed with Mountbatten that India would continue to recognize the British CROWN as the Head of the COMMONWEALTH. The key words here are "Crown" and "Commonwealth". So we have to see what these CROWN and COMMONWEALTH actually mean...
These words are not as transparent in meaning as they appear. They are NOT!
What actually is the CROWN?
The CROWN is not the British King or Queen like we are lead to believe. The word "CROWN" is the PRIVATE CORPORATION that is the inner 'City of London' itself, also commonly known as "The City" or "The Square Mile." This square mile that makes up the center of Greater London has its own mayor, laws, courts, flag, police force and newspaper. It is the heart of the GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM:-)
It is your EAST INDIA COMPANY of the Jewish, Zionist bankers in its element.
So when Nehru and the Congress made us pay our allegiance to the British CROWN, they are in effect making us pay allegiance to the very same East India Company without letting us know what we are actually made to do. The CROWN is the smoke screen for the East India Company that has for hundreds of years robbed and looted this country.
Here are some facts about the CROWN Corporation to which charming chacha Nehru and the rest of the Congress lackeys of the British have sold our country:
1. Like Vatican City, the inner city of London is also a privately owned corporation or city state.
2. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when William III of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the private bankers.
3. In 1812, Nathan Rothschild crashed the stock market and gained control over the Bank of England.
4. The city state of London is the financial power center of the world and the wealthiest square mile on the earth.
5. It houses the Rothschild controlled bank of England, Lloyds of London, the London stock exchange, all British banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, and 70 US banks.
6. Its not part of greater London, or England or the British Commonwealth and pays no taxes.
7. It also houses publishing monopolies.
8. Its also the HQ for world wide English freemasonry...mmm that's interesting because chacha Nehru was also a Freemason and his allegiance is evidently to the British queen and not to this country.
9. And also the HQ for the world wide money cartel known as the CROWN.
10. Contrary to popular belief, the Crown is not the royal family or the British monarch, the CROWN is the private, corporate city-state of London.
It is the very Corporation that still rules India and USA by creating the illusion that their peoples are FREE.
So the "Crown" operating from what is known as "The Square Mile" denotes the sanctum sanctorum of the City of London, a Private Corporation from which the Zionist, Jewish bankers who held a controlling interest in the East India Company still operate from. This square mile recognizes no outside law, it owes no allegiance to any outside power, it is NOT a part of greater London or the United Kingdom, it is a law unto itself and it is to this den of banking thieves known as the CROWN or the Corporation of London that our charming chacha Nehru surrendered our freedom and acted in concert with them to create the illusion that we are FREE.
Just think for a moment. Just why will the East India Company which held an empire in India that was far greater and immensely richer than any other empire on earth in history and having such immense prospects opening up in America would ever really relinquish control over us? Just because a few petty rajah and disgruntled sepoys revolted sporadically here and there in 1857? Are they fools? If a petty business man in India is able to hold property worth a few paltry lacs of rupees under benami names, do you think the East India Company surrendered India to someone else and ran away after 1857? They simply created a smoke screen of the CROWN and said power is being transferred to the CROWN and nobody ever told you that the CROWN only means them under a different name. Its just a name change game.
Also, why would they pay taxes to anyone in London if their empire is bigger than Britain itself? The East India Company never relinquished its control of either India or America. It just morphed and shape shifted into a sovereign city state corporation from which it continued to rule us and Americans to this day through a network of politicians who are all freemasons including our own Nehru, Gandhi and 90% of all our Congress politicians and ALL freemasons owe allegiance to the British crown and not to their native people or governments.
This corporation of London is ruled by a council of 13 representative of the world's wealthiest banking families. The Crown Corporation owns the title to world wide crown lands in crown colonies like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The British Parliament and the British PM are the public front for this ruling banking families.
What is the “COMMONWEALTH”?
So now, we return to charming chacha Nehru's shadow play in 1947.
Now it’s clear to you that the CROWN is not the British royal family but the morphed and shape shifted East India Company now operating as the Corporation of London. Hold that understanding close as we will use it next to understand how this affects us being part of the "commonwealth" that Nehru made us part of.
India joined the British Commonwealth of Nations, which recognized the British sovereign as head of the Commonwealth to whom all dominions had to swear allegiance, thanks to half naked Gandhi and charming chacha Nehru and the rest of the Congress. On 2 May 1949, after the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference in London, British Prime Minister Clement Attlee declared that with reference to the London agreement that no distinction should be drawn between the use of the terms ‘Commonwealth’, ‘British Commonwealth’ or ‘British Empire’, all of which should be regarded as interchangeable”.
Interchangeable terms? Oh ok!! So if India is a part of "British Commonwealth", it means that we are part of the "British Empire" because the two are interchangeable terms.
Appreciating Nehru’s role in the 1949 London Conference, Attlee said: “Mr. Nehru for India showed high statesmanship in accepting a new relationship whereby in respect for India, the [British] monarch was recognized as Head of the Commonwealth.”
So in effect, charming chacha went to London as a lackey of the British and came back with a pat on his back from Atlee that he appreciates Nehru's so called "statesmanship" in making India a continual part of the British empire and also in recognizing the CROWN as the Head of the "Commonwealth"...err I mean the "empire"...:-)
Not sure if he was given another chance to lay Edwina again or even Elizabeth:-)
So the Indian government, headed by charming chacha Nehru, as late as in 1953 and even in 1959 was telling us all that we are still part of the "Commonwealth" meaning the "British Empire" which is as much as saying we are still subjects and not FREE men, we are not an "independent" country.
If we’re part of an “empire”, then how is this country FREE? You are NOT a FREE country, if not in theory then certainly not in practice, when you are part of someone else's EMPIRE, whether functional overtly or operating covertly.
The Independence Day Irony
Some of you may scream out loud that the Constituent Assembly swore to make India a Sovereign, INDEPENDENT, republic. And how can you now say that we are not FREE or INDEPENDENT?
Oh! well, that was well taken care of by charming chacha Nehru if you didn't know. Nehru is individually and personally responsible for dropping the word "INDEPENDENT" from the Constitution of India. Well, the justification was again the usual bluff that "independent" is already implied in the word "sovereign" and that there isn't a need to repeat it again so he wanted it to be dropped.
C'mon. The Indian Constitution, thanks to its lawyer authors, is THE biggest in the world and are you saying there wasn't enough room to repeat one single word called "independent" if it really amounted to "repetition" in the first place? Who are you kidding? And does Nehru as a lawyer wants us to believe that the words "sovereign" and "independent" can be construed as repetitive?
The real reason is evident and obvious. Nehru did not intend India to be INDEPENDENT. Why? Because together with Mountbatten they have already drawn up plans to make India a subservient part in the "commonwealth" which is the "British empire". And that plot and crime cannot be enacted if the word "independent" is allowed to hang around in the constitution. It would lead to a contradiction in terms. It would become a conflict in constitutional theory and practice. So it was very artfully, tactfully and masterfully removed by our charming chacha Nehru through specific instructions to the Constituent Assembly.
So people, our so called "Independence Day" is a day without "Independence" as defined by our own Constitution. That's the wool on your eyes:-) And it was drawn with your own hands:-)
Its simply a "Sovereign Day". You know you can be sovereign with respect to a certain sphere of governance but can still be taking your orders, in a covert or overt manner, from an external power. That's exactly what Mountbatten, Gandhi and Nehru devised behind the scenes. The Indian Government is Sovereign with respect to all governance in India? oh YES but is it INDEPENDENT? oh NO, not rally. We have very subtle and secret mechanisms in place and front men to work for the Zionist bankers that the robbery goes on right through our noses. While in theory, this distinction can be easily erased with a bluff like Nehru used by saying Oh, "independent" is already implied in the word "sovereign", its virtually impossible to see how this is being done so in actual practice.
That's the sophistication of the deception in the changed realities of the neo-colonial world.
For a brief understanding, put it all this way. The Rothschild bankers were the ones who held a controlling interest in the East India Company. So if you read in your history books that the 1857 sepoy mutiny in India resulted in transferring the power from the company to the CROWN, you now know what it means. There was no real change whatsoever! The East India Company continued to exercise its ownership of India through another front called the CROWN which as you have seen above is only a private corporation which the same banking families who owned East India Company still run to this day. And the same way, when you read that half naked Gandhi, charming chacha Nehru and the congress party claimed "independence" for India in 1947 while making India a part of the "commonwealth" i.e. the "British empire", know that it’s the same name change game. They simply replaced the British administration through the CROWN which functioned till 1947 with Congress front men who in turn under Nehru’s leadership returned the favor with dropping the word “Independent” from the preamble of our constitution and also by making India a subject part of the British “Commonwealth” meaning British Empire and continuing to fly the British Union Jack over our state symbols of sovereignty with specifically pleading with the British not to publicize this. That’s how you did not know this happening…but this is what has been happening.
Since the "CROWN" is the one power that calls the shots in the "commonwealth", so as a part of it, India continues to remain under the East India Company clutches. They simply pulled the wool down on your eyes again! The words "Company" and "Crown" were now replaced with the word "Commonwealth":-)
OK, so we conclude now that India was not made either FREE or INDEPENDET on our so called independence day on the midnight of 14 August, 1947.
Here is the sequence of events and the modus operandi of these criminals:
First Deception
1. After the Sepoy Mutiy of 1857, the CROWN assumed control of India.
2. But the CROWN is not the royal family of Britain like we are lead to believe but the privately owned Corporation of London.
3. The Jewish, Zionist banking families that controlled the East India Company were the same as those that ruled this Corporation of London.
4. Hence, it was only a name change game but our masters remained the East India Company.
Second Deception
1. This rule by the so called CROWN continued till 1947.
2. Mountbatten and Nehru decide to conduct the Transfer of Power ceremony without lowering the British flag.
3. Nehru agrees to fly the British flag twelve days a year even after Independence.
4. This was sought to be done secretly avoiding publicity as best as possible.
5. Nehru agrees with the British privately and decides to make India part of the Commonwealth.
6. On the face of it, this is passed off as nothing bad as the so called “commonwealth” is defined officially as a grouping of all the countries formerly ruled by Britain now forming a voluntary union.
7. But away from the public eye, the “commonwealth” is given another definition which equates it with “British empire”.
8. To make India a part of the British Empire, Nehru moves a resolution in our Constituent Assembly instructing the framers to remove the word “independent” from the name of our country.
9. This was sought to be explained away with a bluff saying they were just avoiding a repetition which it was not.
10. Thus with a clever sophistry of deception and fraud, characteristic of Zionist bankers and the East India Company practices, and the willing and knowing complicity of Gandhi, Nehru and the Congress party, India was made a historical anomaly of a “sovereign” country without “independence” creating only a semblance of independence but not in substance.
11. This was all done inaugurate the new phase of colonial robbery of India in a far more subtle and secretive manner to suit the new realities of the 21st century.
Exactly how this robbery is continued, we will see in the second part of this series.
Jai Hind....ooops should we say Jai East India Company??????
(To be continued…)
Dayavanth M Emmanuel
Now for some picturesque speech...:-)

Mountbatten: Honey, it looks like your hair do is having the right effect on him
Edwina: You bet, he sure looks like he’s dazed and charmed….I’ll take it forward from here...!

Nehru: I swear by my country and its people from now on, I’ll only smoke these ladies cigarettes Edwina gives me.

Nehru & Edwina – Igniting each other’s passions?!

Nehru: Does this moron know you were sucking on me last night?
Edwina: We actually have a word for it, its called playing the “understanding” husband.
Mountbatten: Oh yeah, she told me yours was the sickest thing she ever did for the British Crown!

I told you Leonardo Di Caprios used to wear Gandhi caps and Kate Winslets used to look like fucked up grannies in 1947 and you didn’t believe me, see…!!
Hey, where’s Mountbatten looking?! What do you do when your wife’s fucking someone else? Simple, look the other way!!

Mountbatten: Are those UFOs in the sky?
General in the front: Huh, when I go back to Britain, I’ll write a book on the real story behind what UFOs are and when men see them…!

Edwina: This diary contains the complete list of all the dates when we made love
Nehru: I love the one we made on the night of 14, August 1947. Boy, it’s really good to fool around with you and fool my country as well.

Mountbatten: This way please Sir…honey he's all yours...
Edwina: Oh, gosh, do I have to suck on this old fucker now?

Nehru: I wish my country never got freedom so this farewell wouldn't be happening...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Israel's journey - from "God" the father to a godfather:-)!!
Welcome to my latest post!
This post seeks to examine how the nation of Israel changed from having God Himself as father to having a vile European moneychanger as its godfather:-)
You don't have to be a doctorate in theology to know this but even a cursory glance at the Old Testament and you will know about a person called "God" repeating at every drop of the hat that He and He ALONE is the God of Israel and that He alone delivered the Israelis out of bondage in Egypt with a "mighty" hand and that He alone saved them through his right hand and that He will not share His glory with anyone else and that He is a very JEALOUS God and etc and etc.
I can give numerous references from the bible where this is made very clear. Here are a few:
Exodus 6:7
I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.
Exodus 13:3
Then Moses said to the people, "Commemorate this day, the day you came out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, because the LORD brought you out of it with a mighty hand. Eat nothing containing yeast.
Exodus 13:9
This observance will be for you like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that the law of the LORD is to be on your lips. For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with his mighty hand.
Exodus 13:14
"In days to come, when your son asks you, 'What does this mean?' say to him, 'With a mighty hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
Exodus 13:16
And it will be like a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the LORD brought us out of Egypt with his mighty hand."
Exodus 16:6
So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, "In the evening you will know that it was the LORD who brought you out of Egypt,
Exodus 16:32
Moses said, "This is what the LORD has commanded: 'Take an omer of manna and keep it for the generations to come, so they can see the bread I gave you to eat in the desert when I brought you out of Egypt.' "
Exodus 18:1
[ Jethro Visits Moses ] Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses, heard of everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, and how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.
Exodus 20:2
"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
Exodus 29:46
They will know that I am the LORD their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them. I am the LORD their God.
So you see there, everywhere it says that this "God" delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt with a "mighty hand". In fact, its not an isolated thing in the case of deliverance from Egypt alone. You can take it for granted that each and every time that this "God" delivered the Israelites from some thing or the other, He preferred to do it in a way that brought glory to HIM and HIM alone.
Do you guys remember how and why this "God" deliberately asked Gideon to reduce the number of his soldiers from 30,000 to a few hundreds? Simple, to prevent people from thinking that they won because of the strength of numbers than their strength in their "God".
Wow!! So that's a really great god, isn't he folks?!!
But ladies and gentlemen, hold your breath, we're going a experience a sudden change of scene. Yes, there's a change of scene because this so called "God' is now replaced with someone more down to earth this time - Baron Edmund de Rothschild!!!
Here I present to you Mr.Edmund de Rothschild. As you can see he is even commomorated on an Israeli stamp:

"Baron who?" is what you're thinking?!
Well, this Baron de Rothschild is a member of the Rothschild jewish banking family whose members created the present state of Israel as their personal fiefdom through sinking the Lucitania for the British in World War I and thereby enlisting the U.S on the side of Britain and also by financing Hitler and his holocaust so jews will don't even have to be asked to run (shitting in their pants that is) to Israel so the Rothschilds can populate and run their personal fiefdom in the middle east called "Israel".
Yes that's correct. So now you see clearly that the new god of Israel who delivered Israel from her enemies and brought her out of foreign lands to their land of "milk and honey" is no longer the same God who spoke through the prophets and did impressive miracles but a member of a family of luciferian moneychangers who achieved it all through unscrupulous methods, mass murder of jews in the holocaust and by political intrigue.
"What proof you have?" you may ask.
Well, we'll take it straight from the horese's mouth...
The jews from the colonies set up in Palestine by Edmund James de Rothschild, sent a delegation to him to convey their disaffection at the harsh conditions in the colonies under which they are forced to work. So they go and tell him
“If you wish to save the Yishuv (The Jewish settlement) first take your hands from it, and…for once permit the colonists to have the possibility of correcting for themselves what needs correcting.”
Edmond James de Rothschild is very angry about this and states,
“I created the Yishuv, I alone. Therefore no men, neither colonists or organizations have the right to interfere in my plans."
So he has said it, hasn't he? He says clearly that "I" and "I alone" meaning he and he alone created the settlements on the lands the title for which has been obtained by the Rothschilds themselves as a gift from Britain for making the U.S fight Germany.
So do we rewrite our bible then?!
So that's the story of the new Israel folks. God the father, who was so jealous of his name and used to deliver the Israelites with the saving strenghth of his mighty hand is probably dead or retired:-)
So the Rothschilds stepped into his shoes and achieved it all through manipulation, misrepresentation, murder, mass murder, genocide, political deception and intrigue and well time and space would not be sufficient to list all the lucifarian lunacies they used to create and control the present state of Israel.
Well, I know some of you might quote prophecy and say that the creation of Israel in 1948 is a fulfillment of prophecy. Let me ask you, what makes you think prophecy always predicts good things. More often than not, it predicts the fulfillment of evil than good because evil is more happening than good!!
You know sometimes its possible to think that the line between God and evil is so thin that you''re lost wondering who isn't the other:-)
May be we should wait for the armageddon to know the difference:-)!!
But Armageddon or no armageddon, now you know that who created Israel in 1948 is not "God" the father but a gang of jewish godfathers whose profession is mass murder...!!
Dayavanth M Emmanuel.
Welcome to my latest post!
This post seeks to examine how the nation of Israel changed from having God Himself as father to having a vile European moneychanger as its godfather:-)
You don't have to be a doctorate in theology to know this but even a cursory glance at the Old Testament and you will know about a person called "God" repeating at every drop of the hat that He and He ALONE is the God of Israel and that He alone delivered the Israelis out of bondage in Egypt with a "mighty" hand and that He alone saved them through his right hand and that He will not share His glory with anyone else and that He is a very JEALOUS God and etc and etc.
I can give numerous references from the bible where this is made very clear. Here are a few:
Exodus 6:7
I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.
Exodus 13:3
Then Moses said to the people, "Commemorate this day, the day you came out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, because the LORD brought you out of it with a mighty hand. Eat nothing containing yeast.
Exodus 13:9
This observance will be for you like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that the law of the LORD is to be on your lips. For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with his mighty hand.
Exodus 13:14
"In days to come, when your son asks you, 'What does this mean?' say to him, 'With a mighty hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
Exodus 13:16
And it will be like a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the LORD brought us out of Egypt with his mighty hand."
Exodus 16:6
So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, "In the evening you will know that it was the LORD who brought you out of Egypt,
Exodus 16:32
Moses said, "This is what the LORD has commanded: 'Take an omer of manna and keep it for the generations to come, so they can see the bread I gave you to eat in the desert when I brought you out of Egypt.' "
Exodus 18:1
[ Jethro Visits Moses ] Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses, heard of everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, and how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.
Exodus 20:2
"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
Exodus 29:46
They will know that I am the LORD their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them. I am the LORD their God.
So you see there, everywhere it says that this "God" delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt with a "mighty hand". In fact, its not an isolated thing in the case of deliverance from Egypt alone. You can take it for granted that each and every time that this "God" delivered the Israelites from some thing or the other, He preferred to do it in a way that brought glory to HIM and HIM alone.
Do you guys remember how and why this "God" deliberately asked Gideon to reduce the number of his soldiers from 30,000 to a few hundreds? Simple, to prevent people from thinking that they won because of the strength of numbers than their strength in their "God".
Wow!! So that's a really great god, isn't he folks?!!
But ladies and gentlemen, hold your breath, we're going a experience a sudden change of scene. Yes, there's a change of scene because this so called "God' is now replaced with someone more down to earth this time - Baron Edmund de Rothschild!!!
Here I present to you Mr.Edmund de Rothschild. As you can see he is even commomorated on an Israeli stamp:

"Baron who?" is what you're thinking?!
Well, this Baron de Rothschild is a member of the Rothschild jewish banking family whose members created the present state of Israel as their personal fiefdom through sinking the Lucitania for the British in World War I and thereby enlisting the U.S on the side of Britain and also by financing Hitler and his holocaust so jews will don't even have to be asked to run (shitting in their pants that is) to Israel so the Rothschilds can populate and run their personal fiefdom in the middle east called "Israel".
Yes that's correct. So now you see clearly that the new god of Israel who delivered Israel from her enemies and brought her out of foreign lands to their land of "milk and honey" is no longer the same God who spoke through the prophets and did impressive miracles but a member of a family of luciferian moneychangers who achieved it all through unscrupulous methods, mass murder of jews in the holocaust and by political intrigue.
"What proof you have?" you may ask.
Well, we'll take it straight from the horese's mouth...
The jews from the colonies set up in Palestine by Edmund James de Rothschild, sent a delegation to him to convey their disaffection at the harsh conditions in the colonies under which they are forced to work. So they go and tell him
“If you wish to save the Yishuv (The Jewish settlement) first take your hands from it, and…for once permit the colonists to have the possibility of correcting for themselves what needs correcting.”
Edmond James de Rothschild is very angry about this and states,
“I created the Yishuv, I alone. Therefore no men, neither colonists or organizations have the right to interfere in my plans."
So he has said it, hasn't he? He says clearly that "I" and "I alone" meaning he and he alone created the settlements on the lands the title for which has been obtained by the Rothschilds themselves as a gift from Britain for making the U.S fight Germany.
So do we rewrite our bible then?!
So that's the story of the new Israel folks. God the father, who was so jealous of his name and used to deliver the Israelites with the saving strenghth of his mighty hand is probably dead or retired:-)
So the Rothschilds stepped into his shoes and achieved it all through manipulation, misrepresentation, murder, mass murder, genocide, political deception and intrigue and well time and space would not be sufficient to list all the lucifarian lunacies they used to create and control the present state of Israel.
Well, I know some of you might quote prophecy and say that the creation of Israel in 1948 is a fulfillment of prophecy. Let me ask you, what makes you think prophecy always predicts good things. More often than not, it predicts the fulfillment of evil than good because evil is more happening than good!!
You know sometimes its possible to think that the line between God and evil is so thin that you''re lost wondering who isn't the other:-)
May be we should wait for the armageddon to know the difference:-)!!
But Armageddon or no armageddon, now you know that who created Israel in 1948 is not "God" the father but a gang of jewish godfathers whose profession is mass murder...!!
Dayavanth M Emmanuel.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Land of the free, home of the brave....anyone with a pair of balls? Eh...:-)
People, welcome back!
I'm sure a lot of you are very familiar with the first half of the title above and by the time you finish reading this post, you'd understand everything about the second half of it too:-)
(I'm hoping that Americans who happen to read this post would never forget the link between the first and second half of the title aboveo for the rest of their lives or probably in the after life too!!)
So here's the title explained for you...
Land of the free, home of the brave like you already know is the United States inhabited by all "free" and "brave" people, owning guns, fighting for their rights and liberties and freedoms not just in their own country but in wars world wide to "liberate" other people from their tyrannical masters like Hitler, Saddam Hussain, Communists, dictators and what have you...!
So you see Americans are the freeest, boldest and the bravest of the lot in the world. They can stand up to any evil, look it in the eye and demolish it to dust. WOW!! What a brave people!! Man, so I guess I now understand how Arnold Scwarzenegger (did I spell it right?!) and Sylvester Stallone are such huge saviors of mankind:-)
While Americans were all too busy with their heroic exploits all around the world from thrashing evil german armies to figthing aliens in sci-fi movies, something very sinister was unfolding closer home... slowly, steadily but surely......but what was it?????
Well, the problem with evil is not that its hard or impossible to fight or eradicate. It's entirely in being able to identify it as evil. That's the one strength that gives evil its head start over good...
The evil that I'm talking about here is that while Americans were really very, very busy fighting to rid the world of all kinds of evils and dying for truth left, right and center, in the year 1913, one of their presidents, a son of a bitch named Woodrow Wilson, signed away the lives and liberties of all Americans, lock, stock and barrel to a cartel of Jewish bankers and sold Americans off into perpetual slavery to usury... all in gratitude for the money he received from these bankers for his presidential campaign...
"What are you saying? The very President of the land of the free and brave didn't have the balls to stand up to a cabal of private bankers?" you ask.
I know that's a good question so you can help yourself to the web and check for yourself if he did or not!
Mr.Woodrow Wilson decided that a bagful of money the jewish bankers put in his hands is any day far better than a pair of balls hanging down his crotch that no one ever sees if he really has them or not and signed all you free and brave Americans, white, black, colored et all to perpetual slavery.....:-)
Its wrong to think that not all Americans didn't understand the federal reserve scam. There certainly were many influential Americans who did...Henry Ford once said...
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".
So why didn't Americans do anything about it?
Another good question! Well, may be they thought if the President himself threw his pair of balls away on the attick for fear of the the jewish private bankers, what can ordinary, everyday Americans do about it?
So most probably, a whole generation of Americans also pulled their balls out and threw them off on the attic! Like President, like people! Bye bye balls:-)!
That's an intelligent thing to do, I agree!! What the heck do you do with a pair of balls if you ain't using 'em?!!
But one shouldn't forget that not everyone yielded to this federal reserve scam. There certainly were one or two who stood up. President Kennedy signed legislation that could have made the fed history but strangely some mysterious assassin shot him dead, that to this day even Bill Clinton is lost to figure out who did it, and this piece of legislation signed by Kennedy never came into effect. At least Kennedy preferred to be a man in the sense he chose to die with his balls intact even if they blew his brains out in wide public gaze watched over by the entire world.
You might ask me why dying with your balls intact matters so much?! We'll certainly get to know about it by the time you finish reading this post!
But most Americans reading this blog might say "Who the heck said we're tax paying slaves? We pay the Fed because its our Central Bank and a part of our government and bla, bla, bla...."
I don't want to take the trouble of enlightening you here because there are millions of avenues for you to know, if only you care, that the Fed is not a part of your government, its neither federal nor does it have a reserve and its only a cartel of jewish owned or affiliated private banks all working for PROFIT. All they do is print fiat money and loan it to your government and all the taxes you ever pay are used simply to service to the last dime only the interest on these loans your governement keeps borrowing from the fed mortgaging your lives and liberties. If your politicians, senators or even Presidents have not raised one finger about it so far, the simple truth is that they have been bought off or intimidated.
The Fed, for all intents and purposes, owns the United States, its government and its people. America is not a country, its a Rothschilds owned Corporation. Americans are not citizens, you are human capital owned by the jewish bankers. The money needed to run this corporation must be borrowed, by a Rothschild inserted twist in your constitutional law, only from the Jewish private bankers through the Fed and the burden of interest paid to the Fed is the profit, in one sense at least, the jewish bankers make from owning this privately held corporation called the United States. The Fed keeps no accounts and even if it does, they are not audited.
So does that make you freemen or tax paying slaves to a corporation operating for profit and privately owned by jewish bankers and freemasons and working in conjunction with the British monarchy?
If you still find this hard to believe, that's the reason I said in the beginning of this post itself that the biggest problem with evil is not that of fighting it but in identifying it as evil.
Ok, so now that you've identified the Fed as the evil that your politicias pay homage to. What're you going to do about it?
You might still ask "Yea, we understand about the Fed but why should we stand up to be counted or do anything about it?"
Simple. Because getting back your balls depends entirely on it:-)!
Its because of the Fed that Woodrow Wilson and a generation of Americans lost their balls and you guys wouldn't get them back unless as long as you continue to play ball with the Fed and its exploitation.
But haven't Americans lived all so happily ever after even since the time Woodrow Wilson lost his balls and submitted to the jewish bankers? I understand its possible to think "Hey, c'mon now, life is just to have a ball and Fed or no Fed, we Americans manage to have ball one way or the other and that's all that matters":-)
My answer again is "Well, may be but if not in this life, you need your pair of balls at least for the after life."
"Gee, that's ridiculous, why the heck would we need our pair of balls for the after life, all we need is Jesus and Americans believe in God"
That's exactly what I'm coming to!
Jesus had what it takes to throw the money changers out. He had what it takes to confront them at every step of the way, every day. He had what it takes to make their lives miserable. And most importantly, He had what it takes to even look evil in the eye and face crucifixion...and what it takes is a pair of balls:-)
And He had as much as He ever wanted for anything:-)
So now you see the connection?! It takes balls to be on the cross more than it takes love! And your God proved He had plenty of both:-)!
So when Jesus went to Heaven, a rule was passed to prevent people without balls like Americans from making it to heaven simply by jumping up and down in church or singing aloud non stop on sundays.
Yes, you can find that rule in the book of Revelation chapter 21 verse 9:
"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."
So do you see it there? Its the very first disqualifier to Heaven:-)!
What that verse says clearly is that its jut not enough to believe or be good or not commit murders etc and etc. Before they check if you're any of that, the're going to first see if you're a coward or not!!
I hope most of you guys reading this blog remember that Tom & Jerry cartoon in which Tom dies and as he reaches the golden gate in Heaven, St.Peter stops him and insists he obtain a forgiveness letter from Jerry to be allowed in?:-)
Its something like that. So when all Christians and mostly Americans (since most Americans claim to be "born again" christians!) die and gather at the golden gates of Heaven, after verifying if you've believed in Jesus, they're going to hear
"Sir, would you please step aside and pull your pants down please".....:-)
And I'm telling you there wouldn't be any use staging protests that you didn't know about this and simply thought believing in Jesus would just about be enough!
So now you see how important, especially for people who make such high sounding claim as "land of the free and home of the brave" to have their balls intact in their crotch?!!
"What about women?" you might still ask.
For all I know, I think women would be exempt from this rule or at least they might be treated a little leniantly because haven't we MCPs made it a man's world out here on earth, so it falls on us to confront it evils more than women!!
So its clear to you now that its just not enough for Americans to have a christian name or go to church every sunday and jump up and down singing aloud....
If you come to know of some evil happening in your country and fail to stand up and resist it and die a coward, you're sure to end up in the "fiery lake of burning sulfur":-)!
Gee, i'm getting goose bumps just reading about it, see:-)!
I know a lot of you would protest this is not what your TV evangelists from Billy Graham to Benny Hinn told you and you were told that just believing in Jesus is enough for Americans to go to Heaven.
Well, its not Billy Graham or Benny Hinn who make the rules to Heaven, they only break them for you so you'd give them huge dollar donations.
Trust me, I don't want your dollar donations but I'm telling you you can't have Jesus if you don't have balls! If you believe in Jesus, then you need to prove you've got balls:-) What do you think He was called the Son of Man for nothing?!
And I also know that a lot of people might say that there were numerous occasions when Jesus Himself ran away from his enemies or hid himself...
True, I know but that was all done in the process of confronting His enemies and not in submitting to them and when His moment came, He was even ready to face the best of Roman executioners. Who do you think won in the crucifixion tussle? The executioners or Jesus? They did everything they possibly could to break him but they knew they lost when He prayed to forgive them! What better insult do you think an executioner can face than that?!
So for those of you Americans who're now convinced that you can't live like cowards like your Presidents and senators and want to confront the Fed, here's what you do:
I know Americans realize that they risk even confiscation of all property if they don't pay up to the IRS. But understand there are no gains without pains. After all, it's not just a question of earning back your freedom and independence from private bankers, its a question of being judged cowards and losing Heaven!
So what do you do when the IRS guys knock on your door for your hard earned tax dollars?
Well, you could go in and fetch your gun, load your bullets into the mag, load your balls into your crotch and simply blow their brains out. Pretty much like how they did to Kennedy.
"Gosh, that can be murder" you say?
No, it wouldn't be. If killing people in wars created by the bankers isn't murder, then killing IRS personnel for coming after your money isn't. In any case, the IRS is not an agency of your Treasury department like their web sites tries to cheat you. Its a criminal organization of thugs registered in Puerto Rico.
And after you're done with the local IRS personnel, you could team up with your country men and visit the Fed in Washington and repeat the same so you could be free of all the jewish bankers and set your country free!
I'm sure you can say that Jesus never used violence or blood shed in resisting evil. I agree 100%. But you need your balls back even for non-violent resistance because its an entirely different ball game!! See, you need it either way!
So, for Americans, whether they resort to guns or guts to resist the Fed and the IRS imposed slavery, I wish them all good luck and hope that they would succeed in truly making America the land of the free and the home of the brave:-)
Dayavanth M Emmanuel.
P.S: Some of you reading this post might feel I'm inciting Americans to turn against their government or to commit violence. Far from it, I see it as encouraging them to defend their constitution against all enemies, both domestic and foreign, especially when their presidents themselves have failed in doing so.
I'm sure a lot of you are very familiar with the first half of the title above and by the time you finish reading this post, you'd understand everything about the second half of it too:-)
(I'm hoping that Americans who happen to read this post would never forget the link between the first and second half of the title aboveo for the rest of their lives or probably in the after life too!!)
So here's the title explained for you...
Land of the free, home of the brave like you already know is the United States inhabited by all "free" and "brave" people, owning guns, fighting for their rights and liberties and freedoms not just in their own country but in wars world wide to "liberate" other people from their tyrannical masters like Hitler, Saddam Hussain, Communists, dictators and what have you...!
So you see Americans are the freeest, boldest and the bravest of the lot in the world. They can stand up to any evil, look it in the eye and demolish it to dust. WOW!! What a brave people!! Man, so I guess I now understand how Arnold Scwarzenegger (did I spell it right?!) and Sylvester Stallone are such huge saviors of mankind:-)
While Americans were all too busy with their heroic exploits all around the world from thrashing evil german armies to figthing aliens in sci-fi movies, something very sinister was unfolding closer home... slowly, steadily but surely......but what was it?????
Well, the problem with evil is not that its hard or impossible to fight or eradicate. It's entirely in being able to identify it as evil. That's the one strength that gives evil its head start over good...
The evil that I'm talking about here is that while Americans were really very, very busy fighting to rid the world of all kinds of evils and dying for truth left, right and center, in the year 1913, one of their presidents, a son of a bitch named Woodrow Wilson, signed away the lives and liberties of all Americans, lock, stock and barrel to a cartel of Jewish bankers and sold Americans off into perpetual slavery to usury... all in gratitude for the money he received from these bankers for his presidential campaign...
"What are you saying? The very President of the land of the free and brave didn't have the balls to stand up to a cabal of private bankers?" you ask.
I know that's a good question so you can help yourself to the web and check for yourself if he did or not!
Mr.Woodrow Wilson decided that a bagful of money the jewish bankers put in his hands is any day far better than a pair of balls hanging down his crotch that no one ever sees if he really has them or not and signed all you free and brave Americans, white, black, colored et all to perpetual slavery.....:-)
Its wrong to think that not all Americans didn't understand the federal reserve scam. There certainly were many influential Americans who did...Henry Ford once said...
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".
So why didn't Americans do anything about it?
Another good question! Well, may be they thought if the President himself threw his pair of balls away on the attick for fear of the the jewish private bankers, what can ordinary, everyday Americans do about it?
So most probably, a whole generation of Americans also pulled their balls out and threw them off on the attic! Like President, like people! Bye bye balls:-)!
That's an intelligent thing to do, I agree!! What the heck do you do with a pair of balls if you ain't using 'em?!!
But one shouldn't forget that not everyone yielded to this federal reserve scam. There certainly were one or two who stood up. President Kennedy signed legislation that could have made the fed history but strangely some mysterious assassin shot him dead, that to this day even Bill Clinton is lost to figure out who did it, and this piece of legislation signed by Kennedy never came into effect. At least Kennedy preferred to be a man in the sense he chose to die with his balls intact even if they blew his brains out in wide public gaze watched over by the entire world.
You might ask me why dying with your balls intact matters so much?! We'll certainly get to know about it by the time you finish reading this post!
But most Americans reading this blog might say "Who the heck said we're tax paying slaves? We pay the Fed because its our Central Bank and a part of our government and bla, bla, bla...."
I don't want to take the trouble of enlightening you here because there are millions of avenues for you to know, if only you care, that the Fed is not a part of your government, its neither federal nor does it have a reserve and its only a cartel of jewish owned or affiliated private banks all working for PROFIT. All they do is print fiat money and loan it to your government and all the taxes you ever pay are used simply to service to the last dime only the interest on these loans your governement keeps borrowing from the fed mortgaging your lives and liberties. If your politicians, senators or even Presidents have not raised one finger about it so far, the simple truth is that they have been bought off or intimidated.
The Fed, for all intents and purposes, owns the United States, its government and its people. America is not a country, its a Rothschilds owned Corporation. Americans are not citizens, you are human capital owned by the jewish bankers. The money needed to run this corporation must be borrowed, by a Rothschild inserted twist in your constitutional law, only from the Jewish private bankers through the Fed and the burden of interest paid to the Fed is the profit, in one sense at least, the jewish bankers make from owning this privately held corporation called the United States. The Fed keeps no accounts and even if it does, they are not audited.
So does that make you freemen or tax paying slaves to a corporation operating for profit and privately owned by jewish bankers and freemasons and working in conjunction with the British monarchy?
If you still find this hard to believe, that's the reason I said in the beginning of this post itself that the biggest problem with evil is not that of fighting it but in identifying it as evil.
Ok, so now that you've identified the Fed as the evil that your politicias pay homage to. What're you going to do about it?
You might still ask "Yea, we understand about the Fed but why should we stand up to be counted or do anything about it?"
Simple. Because getting back your balls depends entirely on it:-)!
Its because of the Fed that Woodrow Wilson and a generation of Americans lost their balls and you guys wouldn't get them back unless as long as you continue to play ball with the Fed and its exploitation.
But haven't Americans lived all so happily ever after even since the time Woodrow Wilson lost his balls and submitted to the jewish bankers? I understand its possible to think "Hey, c'mon now, life is just to have a ball and Fed or no Fed, we Americans manage to have ball one way or the other and that's all that matters":-)
My answer again is "Well, may be but if not in this life, you need your pair of balls at least for the after life."
"Gee, that's ridiculous, why the heck would we need our pair of balls for the after life, all we need is Jesus and Americans believe in God"
That's exactly what I'm coming to!
Jesus had what it takes to throw the money changers out. He had what it takes to confront them at every step of the way, every day. He had what it takes to make their lives miserable. And most importantly, He had what it takes to even look evil in the eye and face crucifixion...and what it takes is a pair of balls:-)
And He had as much as He ever wanted for anything:-)
So now you see the connection?! It takes balls to be on the cross more than it takes love! And your God proved He had plenty of both:-)!
So when Jesus went to Heaven, a rule was passed to prevent people without balls like Americans from making it to heaven simply by jumping up and down in church or singing aloud non stop on sundays.
Yes, you can find that rule in the book of Revelation chapter 21 verse 9:
"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."
So do you see it there? Its the very first disqualifier to Heaven:-)!
What that verse says clearly is that its jut not enough to believe or be good or not commit murders etc and etc. Before they check if you're any of that, the're going to first see if you're a coward or not!!
I hope most of you guys reading this blog remember that Tom & Jerry cartoon in which Tom dies and as he reaches the golden gate in Heaven, St.Peter stops him and insists he obtain a forgiveness letter from Jerry to be allowed in?:-)
Its something like that. So when all Christians and mostly Americans (since most Americans claim to be "born again" christians!) die and gather at the golden gates of Heaven, after verifying if you've believed in Jesus, they're going to hear
"Sir, would you please step aside and pull your pants down please".....:-)
And I'm telling you there wouldn't be any use staging protests that you didn't know about this and simply thought believing in Jesus would just about be enough!
So now you see how important, especially for people who make such high sounding claim as "land of the free and home of the brave" to have their balls intact in their crotch?!!
"What about women?" you might still ask.
For all I know, I think women would be exempt from this rule or at least they might be treated a little leniantly because haven't we MCPs made it a man's world out here on earth, so it falls on us to confront it evils more than women!!
So its clear to you now that its just not enough for Americans to have a christian name or go to church every sunday and jump up and down singing aloud....
If you come to know of some evil happening in your country and fail to stand up and resist it and die a coward, you're sure to end up in the "fiery lake of burning sulfur":-)!
Gee, i'm getting goose bumps just reading about it, see:-)!
I know a lot of you would protest this is not what your TV evangelists from Billy Graham to Benny Hinn told you and you were told that just believing in Jesus is enough for Americans to go to Heaven.
Well, its not Billy Graham or Benny Hinn who make the rules to Heaven, they only break them for you so you'd give them huge dollar donations.
Trust me, I don't want your dollar donations but I'm telling you you can't have Jesus if you don't have balls! If you believe in Jesus, then you need to prove you've got balls:-) What do you think He was called the Son of Man for nothing?!
And I also know that a lot of people might say that there were numerous occasions when Jesus Himself ran away from his enemies or hid himself...
True, I know but that was all done in the process of confronting His enemies and not in submitting to them and when His moment came, He was even ready to face the best of Roman executioners. Who do you think won in the crucifixion tussle? The executioners or Jesus? They did everything they possibly could to break him but they knew they lost when He prayed to forgive them! What better insult do you think an executioner can face than that?!
So for those of you Americans who're now convinced that you can't live like cowards like your Presidents and senators and want to confront the Fed, here's what you do:
I know Americans realize that they risk even confiscation of all property if they don't pay up to the IRS. But understand there are no gains without pains. After all, it's not just a question of earning back your freedom and independence from private bankers, its a question of being judged cowards and losing Heaven!
So what do you do when the IRS guys knock on your door for your hard earned tax dollars?
Well, you could go in and fetch your gun, load your bullets into the mag, load your balls into your crotch and simply blow their brains out. Pretty much like how they did to Kennedy.
"Gosh, that can be murder" you say?
No, it wouldn't be. If killing people in wars created by the bankers isn't murder, then killing IRS personnel for coming after your money isn't. In any case, the IRS is not an agency of your Treasury department like their web sites tries to cheat you. Its a criminal organization of thugs registered in Puerto Rico.
And after you're done with the local IRS personnel, you could team up with your country men and visit the Fed in Washington and repeat the same so you could be free of all the jewish bankers and set your country free!
I'm sure you can say that Jesus never used violence or blood shed in resisting evil. I agree 100%. But you need your balls back even for non-violent resistance because its an entirely different ball game!! See, you need it either way!
So, for Americans, whether they resort to guns or guts to resist the Fed and the IRS imposed slavery, I wish them all good luck and hope that they would succeed in truly making America the land of the free and the home of the brave:-)
Dayavanth M Emmanuel.
P.S: Some of you reading this post might feel I'm inciting Americans to turn against their government or to commit violence. Far from it, I see it as encouraging them to defend their constitution against all enemies, both domestic and foreign, especially when their presidents themselves have failed in doing so.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Swastika, Hexagram and the rape of Aryanism:-)
People, welcome back!
For long, I doubted if the Hexagram we see on the flag of Israel is really the Star of David as claimed or if it has its origins in other places...
For years, this has been at the back of my mind. This isn't something you can investigate by going as far as Israel. Closer home would just be fine! I found the evidence for the non-Jewish origins of the Hexagram in a place called Jew Town in the city of Kochi in the state of Kerala in India.
The name Jew Town is for the reason that Jews lived in this part of Kochi in Kerala for thousands of years before most of them left for Israel after 1948. But the symbols and signs of the culture they shared with the local people still remain for you to see...
In the picture below, you can see a Hexagram right next to the image of a Hindu goddess. This temple is in the Jew Town of Kochi. And if you were to bother looking around in the neighbourhood, you would see Swastikas adorning the iron grilles of windows of houses.

Well, what's happening here you ask? Swastikas keeping company with hexagrams in the same neighbourhood?
If you didn't know it folks, Swastikas have always known to keep good company with Hexagrams and the only time they didn't look like they did, its simply because they decided they could work for each other's benefit better that way:-)!
How many of you are aware that the ships that carried jews to Israel after the second world war flew Nazi flags? And you still doubt Hitler was a Zionist agent who destroyed Germany to create Israel?
If you think this topic needs some critical examination, read on...
This post examines the very sophisticated way in which the zionist banking cartels and their political stooges have been using and/or abusing some of the most revered and sacred symbols of Aryanism.
Well, all of you all over the world are pretty aware that the symbol Hitler and his Nazis used to reign death, destruction and the most horrendous crimes against humanity was the SWASTIKA.
However, how many of you are aware that the same Swastika has been a symbol of peace, good luck and well being for people in India for almost the past 3000+ years? If you happen to be visiting India and if you see Swastikas on passing trucks, cars and on houses, on window grilles and doors of houses, don't get scared that Hitler and his Nazi criminals came out of their graves and have taken over India:-)
The following is how wikipedia defines the Swastika:
"The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit word svastika (in Devanagari, ????????), meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck. It is composed of su- (cognate with Greek e?-, eu-), meaning "good, well" and asti, a verbal abstract to the root as "to be" (cognate with the Romance copula, coming ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European root *h1es-); svasti thus means "well-being." The suffix -ka either forms a diminutive or intensifies the verbal meaning, and svastika might thus be translated literally as "that which is associated with well-being," corresponding to "lucky charm" or "thing that is auspicious."[1] The word in this sense is first used in the Harivamsa."
So how did such a symbol auspicious to millions of people for thousands of years in such numerous cultures such as Hinduism, Budhism, Jainism come to become a hated symbol of death, destruction and criminality?
The answer to that question lies in the fact that in the 1930s, a group of European Jewish, Zionist bankers financed Hitler to power in active collusion with the British monarchy. Their objective was simple -
1. To create such a human slaughter of the Jewish people all over Europe in the most gruesome manner and on an industrial scale never before witnessed in the history of mankind.
2. To destroy Germany, the only country and power that had the potential to rival the British in anything and even be one step better than them.
The Zionist banking cartels and their British collaborators worked closely towards these above two objectives. Hitler and his Nazi criminals were the one stone with which the Zionist bankers and the British plotted to bring down both fellow Jews and Germany and they achieved it with perfect precision...
Six millions jews were slaughtered so that the remaining jews of Europe ran shitting in their pants, no questions asked to the Rothschild set up state of Israel.
As for Germany, she was for ever stripped of even a chance to contend with British supremacy. Germany and Germans were duped and destoyed to the last German soldier standing to defend the last brick in Berlin.
When you think of what Germany did in WWII, it surprises you to know how a people known for the music of Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart and such gigantic achievements in every field of human endeavour from the arts to the sciences to the Reformation could indulge in such a monstrous crime as committing the holocaust.
The point is they did not. They were simply played. The British and the Zionist bankers knew the potential of the German people. They knew fully well that German language shared close similarities with Sanskrit which is one of the root Indo-European languages. They knew that Germans and the Brahmins in India shared so much in common from language to race. So the Swastika, a symbols sacred to the Aryans was used to forever discredit and destroy the German/Aryan people. Trust me, the Jews and the British are good at pulling the wool down on your eyes with your own hands and that's how they came to rule the world, but not for long...
What do you think Hitler was some blue eyed, blonde haired German or something?
He was nothing less or more than a low born, half-jewish, half-khazar scoundrel with half an inch of dirt stuck up on his upper lip for effect. If you doubt it, look at the picture below of Hitler whipping up passions in Germany in one of his inflammatory speeches and let me know if you disagree with me...!!

He was just a rabble rouser whom the Zionist bankers elevated to power to incite Germans to herd jews to Israel and in the process destroy Germany.
Well, how do I know for so sure? Simple, rabble rousing is a characteristically Jewish and not German trait of character:-)
Now that the intended plan of driving jews out of Europe and populating Israel was brilliantly achieved, its time to replace the Swastika with something well, a little different...
So what was it this time? Is there something else in eastern religions that could lend itself to exploitation again?
You will know the answer when you look at the flag of Israel.

Well what do you see?
You were told it is called the Magen David or more popularly the Star of David. Have you ever come across in the entire Old Testament of King David ever using a star for anything? Is a star representative of David in any way?
The hexagram on the Israeli flag is not any representative of King David as much as the Swastika was of the Nazis. Both these symbols are the faces of Zionist deception to discredit Aryanism, Hinduism and all Eastern religious thought.
While the Swastika on the Nazi flag became the symbol of death and destruction for Jews, the Hexagram on the Israeli flag will become the same for the Arabs and Muslims of the Middle East.
So what does this hexagram on the Israeli flag represent. Well, you don't have to be adept in Occult practices to know that the Hexagram is what the Occultists use to conjure up evil spirits from the underworld and is by far the most powerful and evil sign in satanism and of all the occult world. The word "hex" which means to place a curse on someone, originated from this sign."
Well, that's not all. The hexagram is a mandala symbol called satkona yantra or sadkona yantra found on ancient South Indian Hindu temples built thousands of years ago. It symbolizes the nara-narayana, or perfect meditative state of balance achieved between Man and God, and if maintained, results in "moksha," or "nirvana" (release from the bounds of the earthly world and its material trappings).
So you have two different known usages of the Hexagram - one to symbolize moksha and the other to summon up demons.
That begs a question. Why did the Zionist bankers hyjack this symbol? Do they intend to use it to summon evil spirits they have been known to be worshipping in their mansions in Europe for thousands of years or do they intend to use it represent moksha or nirvana?
Given the satanic traditions of the Zionist, Jewish bankers and their collaborators in the British monarcy, who are partners in the crime of the lives of millions of people as a human sacrifice through WWI & WWII, we can concjude that this hexagram used on the Israeli flag is only there to summon up evil spirits from the underword to satiate them with spilling blood again.
And that is essentially what Israel has been doing, with support from America and Europe, in the middle east since its formation in 1948.
Whichever way the Zionist banking cartels intend to use the Hexagram - another prominet symbol of Brahmanical Hiduism - Hindus beware these guys have set their eyes on your religion to permanently defame it like they destroyed the only Aryan state in Europe. One after another, all symbols sacred to the Aryanic people is hijacked, twisted, misinterpreted and misrepresented and finally thrown off into the dustbins of history.
But Zionists beware, the only spirits that come up from the underworld using your Hexagram will be that of those you killed in WWII and that only means one thing - YOU'RE GOING TO BE HAUNTED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES:-)!
Dayavanth M Emmanuel
P.S: Not even reviving the Swastika will get you any good luck this time!!
For long, I doubted if the Hexagram we see on the flag of Israel is really the Star of David as claimed or if it has its origins in other places...
For years, this has been at the back of my mind. This isn't something you can investigate by going as far as Israel. Closer home would just be fine! I found the evidence for the non-Jewish origins of the Hexagram in a place called Jew Town in the city of Kochi in the state of Kerala in India.
The name Jew Town is for the reason that Jews lived in this part of Kochi in Kerala for thousands of years before most of them left for Israel after 1948. But the symbols and signs of the culture they shared with the local people still remain for you to see...
In the picture below, you can see a Hexagram right next to the image of a Hindu goddess. This temple is in the Jew Town of Kochi. And if you were to bother looking around in the neighbourhood, you would see Swastikas adorning the iron grilles of windows of houses.

Well, what's happening here you ask? Swastikas keeping company with hexagrams in the same neighbourhood?
If you didn't know it folks, Swastikas have always known to keep good company with Hexagrams and the only time they didn't look like they did, its simply because they decided they could work for each other's benefit better that way:-)!
How many of you are aware that the ships that carried jews to Israel after the second world war flew Nazi flags? And you still doubt Hitler was a Zionist agent who destroyed Germany to create Israel?
If you think this topic needs some critical examination, read on...
This post examines the very sophisticated way in which the zionist banking cartels and their political stooges have been using and/or abusing some of the most revered and sacred symbols of Aryanism.
Well, all of you all over the world are pretty aware that the symbol Hitler and his Nazis used to reign death, destruction and the most horrendous crimes against humanity was the SWASTIKA.
However, how many of you are aware that the same Swastika has been a symbol of peace, good luck and well being for people in India for almost the past 3000+ years? If you happen to be visiting India and if you see Swastikas on passing trucks, cars and on houses, on window grilles and doors of houses, don't get scared that Hitler and his Nazi criminals came out of their graves and have taken over India:-)
The following is how wikipedia defines the Swastika:
"The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit word svastika (in Devanagari, ????????), meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck. It is composed of su- (cognate with Greek e?-, eu-), meaning "good, well" and asti, a verbal abstract to the root as "to be" (cognate with the Romance copula, coming ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European root *h1es-); svasti thus means "well-being." The suffix -ka either forms a diminutive or intensifies the verbal meaning, and svastika might thus be translated literally as "that which is associated with well-being," corresponding to "lucky charm" or "thing that is auspicious."[1] The word in this sense is first used in the Harivamsa."
So how did such a symbol auspicious to millions of people for thousands of years in such numerous cultures such as Hinduism, Budhism, Jainism come to become a hated symbol of death, destruction and criminality?
The answer to that question lies in the fact that in the 1930s, a group of European Jewish, Zionist bankers financed Hitler to power in active collusion with the British monarchy. Their objective was simple -
1. To create such a human slaughter of the Jewish people all over Europe in the most gruesome manner and on an industrial scale never before witnessed in the history of mankind.
2. To destroy Germany, the only country and power that had the potential to rival the British in anything and even be one step better than them.
The Zionist banking cartels and their British collaborators worked closely towards these above two objectives. Hitler and his Nazi criminals were the one stone with which the Zionist bankers and the British plotted to bring down both fellow Jews and Germany and they achieved it with perfect precision...
Six millions jews were slaughtered so that the remaining jews of Europe ran shitting in their pants, no questions asked to the Rothschild set up state of Israel.
As for Germany, she was for ever stripped of even a chance to contend with British supremacy. Germany and Germans were duped and destoyed to the last German soldier standing to defend the last brick in Berlin.
When you think of what Germany did in WWII, it surprises you to know how a people known for the music of Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart and such gigantic achievements in every field of human endeavour from the arts to the sciences to the Reformation could indulge in such a monstrous crime as committing the holocaust.
The point is they did not. They were simply played. The British and the Zionist bankers knew the potential of the German people. They knew fully well that German language shared close similarities with Sanskrit which is one of the root Indo-European languages. They knew that Germans and the Brahmins in India shared so much in common from language to race. So the Swastika, a symbols sacred to the Aryans was used to forever discredit and destroy the German/Aryan people. Trust me, the Jews and the British are good at pulling the wool down on your eyes with your own hands and that's how they came to rule the world, but not for long...
What do you think Hitler was some blue eyed, blonde haired German or something?
He was nothing less or more than a low born, half-jewish, half-khazar scoundrel with half an inch of dirt stuck up on his upper lip for effect. If you doubt it, look at the picture below of Hitler whipping up passions in Germany in one of his inflammatory speeches and let me know if you disagree with me...!!

He was just a rabble rouser whom the Zionist bankers elevated to power to incite Germans to herd jews to Israel and in the process destroy Germany.
Well, how do I know for so sure? Simple, rabble rousing is a characteristically Jewish and not German trait of character:-)
Now that the intended plan of driving jews out of Europe and populating Israel was brilliantly achieved, its time to replace the Swastika with something well, a little different...
So what was it this time? Is there something else in eastern religions that could lend itself to exploitation again?
You will know the answer when you look at the flag of Israel.

Well what do you see?
You were told it is called the Magen David or more popularly the Star of David. Have you ever come across in the entire Old Testament of King David ever using a star for anything? Is a star representative of David in any way?
The hexagram on the Israeli flag is not any representative of King David as much as the Swastika was of the Nazis. Both these symbols are the faces of Zionist deception to discredit Aryanism, Hinduism and all Eastern religious thought.
While the Swastika on the Nazi flag became the symbol of death and destruction for Jews, the Hexagram on the Israeli flag will become the same for the Arabs and Muslims of the Middle East.
So what does this hexagram on the Israeli flag represent. Well, you don't have to be adept in Occult practices to know that the Hexagram is what the Occultists use to conjure up evil spirits from the underworld and is by far the most powerful and evil sign in satanism and of all the occult world. The word "hex" which means to place a curse on someone, originated from this sign."
Well, that's not all. The hexagram is a mandala symbol called satkona yantra or sadkona yantra found on ancient South Indian Hindu temples built thousands of years ago. It symbolizes the nara-narayana, or perfect meditative state of balance achieved between Man and God, and if maintained, results in "moksha," or "nirvana" (release from the bounds of the earthly world and its material trappings).
So you have two different known usages of the Hexagram - one to symbolize moksha and the other to summon up demons.
That begs a question. Why did the Zionist bankers hyjack this symbol? Do they intend to use it to summon evil spirits they have been known to be worshipping in their mansions in Europe for thousands of years or do they intend to use it represent moksha or nirvana?
Given the satanic traditions of the Zionist, Jewish bankers and their collaborators in the British monarcy, who are partners in the crime of the lives of millions of people as a human sacrifice through WWI & WWII, we can concjude that this hexagram used on the Israeli flag is only there to summon up evil spirits from the underword to satiate them with spilling blood again.
And that is essentially what Israel has been doing, with support from America and Europe, in the middle east since its formation in 1948.
Whichever way the Zionist banking cartels intend to use the Hexagram - another prominet symbol of Brahmanical Hiduism - Hindus beware these guys have set their eyes on your religion to permanently defame it like they destroyed the only Aryan state in Europe. One after another, all symbols sacred to the Aryanic people is hijacked, twisted, misinterpreted and misrepresented and finally thrown off into the dustbins of history.
But Zionists beware, the only spirits that come up from the underworld using your Hexagram will be that of those you killed in WWII and that only means one thing - YOU'RE GOING TO BE HAUNTED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES:-)!
Dayavanth M Emmanuel
P.S: Not even reviving the Swastika will get you any good luck this time!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Islam Vs Judaism......reality check:-)
Welcome back!
This post is directed at all those enlightened, illuminated morons in Christendom who have been lulled into the illusion by the Zionist controlled media that the present state of Israel represents the children of Abraham and Israel with whom the Elohim made the eternal covenant and that muslims in all the arab states surrounding this state of Israel or some sort of demons roaming the desert sands only to inflict violence.
So we will do a reality check between Judaism and Islam to see who actually respects the God of Abraham and who does not. For that, we will examine how the jews and muslims define Jesus in whose name this support for Israel is extracted from Christians:
Judaism's definition of Jesus:
For this, we look at the following excerpt from a book by David Duke (Klu Klux Klan) titled "Jewish Supremacism":
"Most Christians are under the impression that Judaism is primarily based on the biblical Old Testament. Actually the ultimate authority for Judaism is not the Bible but on what they call the Babylonian Talmud, a series of writings set down in Babylon in the sixth century after Christ. The American Heritage Dictionary describes the Talmud as “constituting the basis of religious authority for traditional Judaism.” The authoritative Universal Jewish Encyclopedia compiled by the leading Rabbinic organizations of the world, makes it very clear that the Talmud, not the Torah or Old Testament, is the supreme authority for Judaism. The Babylonian Talmud. The Bible itself ranks second to it in reality, if not in theory. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Authority,” pg. 637)
What does the Talmud, the chief authority of Judaism, have to say about Jesus Christ?
Balaam [Jesus] fornicated with his jackass. (Sanhedrin 105a-b)Jewish priests raised Balaam [Jesus] from the dead and punished him in boiling hot semen.(57a Gittin)
She who was the descendant of princes and governors [The Virgin Mary] played the harlot with a carpenter. (Sanhedrin 106a)
[Jesus] was lowered into a pit of dung up to his armpits. Then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck, and the two ends pulled in opposite directions until he was dead. (Sanhedrin 52b)"
So there you have it. The jews who live in Israel and in other countries follow what is called the Talmud and not the Old Testament. And for them, Jesus is equal to Balaam. Do you guys know who Balaam is in the OT? And I don't want to repeat the other things you've already read above about Jesus.
Fine, so now we go to check how muslims define Jesus:
I don't have a scriptural reference from the Quran so months ago, I turned to a muslim friend of mine and here's is what he said:
"Dayavanth, you cannot be a true muslim if you dihonor prophet Isa (Jesus)..."
And he also said that muslims believe that Jesus, when He returns, will set foot on Mt.Zion to fight the anti-Christ system which these so called jews would have set up by then.
So that's the reality check...
The next time your televangelists come on TV and says Israel is God's chosen people and goad you to send money to Israel or send your sons and daughters to die in wars for Israel, do this....

Dayavanth M Emmanuel
Welcome back!
This post is directed at all those enlightened, illuminated morons in Christendom who have been lulled into the illusion by the Zionist controlled media that the present state of Israel represents the children of Abraham and Israel with whom the Elohim made the eternal covenant and that muslims in all the arab states surrounding this state of Israel or some sort of demons roaming the desert sands only to inflict violence.
So we will do a reality check between Judaism and Islam to see who actually respects the God of Abraham and who does not. For that, we will examine how the jews and muslims define Jesus in whose name this support for Israel is extracted from Christians:
Judaism's definition of Jesus:
For this, we look at the following excerpt from a book by David Duke (Klu Klux Klan) titled "Jewish Supremacism":
"Most Christians are under the impression that Judaism is primarily based on the biblical Old Testament. Actually the ultimate authority for Judaism is not the Bible but on what they call the Babylonian Talmud, a series of writings set down in Babylon in the sixth century after Christ. The American Heritage Dictionary describes the Talmud as “constituting the basis of religious authority for traditional Judaism.” The authoritative Universal Jewish Encyclopedia compiled by the leading Rabbinic organizations of the world, makes it very clear that the Talmud, not the Torah or Old Testament, is the supreme authority for Judaism. The Babylonian Talmud. The Bible itself ranks second to it in reality, if not in theory. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Authority,” pg. 637)
What does the Talmud, the chief authority of Judaism, have to say about Jesus Christ?
Balaam [Jesus] fornicated with his jackass. (Sanhedrin 105a-b)Jewish priests raised Balaam [Jesus] from the dead and punished him in boiling hot semen.(57a Gittin)
She who was the descendant of princes and governors [The Virgin Mary] played the harlot with a carpenter. (Sanhedrin 106a)
[Jesus] was lowered into a pit of dung up to his armpits. Then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck, and the two ends pulled in opposite directions until he was dead. (Sanhedrin 52b)"
So there you have it. The jews who live in Israel and in other countries follow what is called the Talmud and not the Old Testament. And for them, Jesus is equal to Balaam. Do you guys know who Balaam is in the OT? And I don't want to repeat the other things you've already read above about Jesus.
Fine, so now we go to check how muslims define Jesus:
I don't have a scriptural reference from the Quran so months ago, I turned to a muslim friend of mine and here's is what he said:
"Dayavanth, you cannot be a true muslim if you dihonor prophet Isa (Jesus)..."
And he also said that muslims believe that Jesus, when He returns, will set foot on Mt.Zion to fight the anti-Christ system which these so called jews would have set up by then.
So that's the reality check...
The next time your televangelists come on TV and says Israel is God's chosen people and goad you to send money to Israel or send your sons and daughters to die in wars for Israel, do this....

Dayavanth M Emmanuel
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The secret of the Stars and Stripes:-)
Welcome back! I know this being a weekend, a lot you have a lot of dating to do so I will leave you with a really small post this time!
This post is to prove to you who the real masters of this world are that you've been tricked into serving. You don't have to take my word for anything because the images below will prove it for you:
Can you identify the flag below?

Looks familiar? You've seen this flag before? It isn't difficult, you're familiar with the color code and pattern, sure looks like the US flag but you don't quiet understand why there's a Union Jack where there you should see the stars?
So what do you think this flag could be? Take a guess!!
I'll throw in some clues:
* This flag is for the Union of USA and Britain which will happen in future.
* No, no. That can't happen because Britain is already in the European Union. So, well, may be, it represents the Union of Canada with the US.
* Well no, this flag represents the union of all Anglo-Saxon countries
NONE actually! This flag you see above is the flag of the British East India company officered mostly by freemasons and illuminati that ruled India till 1857. Yes, it was the flag of a company known for the worst crimes and genocides and loots and robberies and what have you in the history of mankind. It is the flag of a company with an empire...ruled by the Rothschilds and freemasons...
Now check this second flag below. Can you identify this one at least?

I know there isn't much difference between these first and the second flag you say? Well, there is and there isn't!!
This second flag is the US Grand Union Flag. There is difference in the sense that this time, the dominion is over the colonies in north America and not in India and there isn't much difference in the sense that it's the same British East India company, with the Rothschild's having the controlling interest, and officered by Freemasons and Illuminati folks that ruled India as well as ruled America.
So the colonies in India and in north America all had one master - The British East India Company ruled by the Rothschilds! No wonder the flags aren't any different!
Now, for the last one. See below...

See that one? That's the truth! You Americans are just subjects of the British East India Company, controlled by the Rotshchilds and ruled through Freemasons. Little wonder that you have to pay up whenever and whatever you're asked for to the Federal Reserve led by the Rothschilds! I guess I don't have to tell you what happens if you resist the IRS?!
Now, you might ask, at least India is now free and they have a different flag. At least that's what even we in India think!
But it helps to know that deception changes color every time you see through it. The Indian flag might look different but its the same freemasons and Rothschild hand picks who have ruled India since its inception as a proxy to the Rothschild created USSR.
So that's the truth and the whole truth vividly for you in picutres. Remember, pictures don't lie:-)!
The stars and stripes is what Indians, Red Indians and Americans salute to and live and die for because if you refuse or question, there will be stripes on your body and you will see the stars:-)!!
Get the picture?!
Dayavanth M Emmanuel.
Welcome back! I know this being a weekend, a lot you have a lot of dating to do so I will leave you with a really small post this time!
This post is to prove to you who the real masters of this world are that you've been tricked into serving. You don't have to take my word for anything because the images below will prove it for you:
Can you identify the flag below?

Looks familiar? You've seen this flag before? It isn't difficult, you're familiar with the color code and pattern, sure looks like the US flag but you don't quiet understand why there's a Union Jack where there you should see the stars?
So what do you think this flag could be? Take a guess!!
I'll throw in some clues:
* This flag is for the Union of USA and Britain which will happen in future.
* No, no. That can't happen because Britain is already in the European Union. So, well, may be, it represents the Union of Canada with the US.
* Well no, this flag represents the union of all Anglo-Saxon countries
NONE actually! This flag you see above is the flag of the British East India company officered mostly by freemasons and illuminati that ruled India till 1857. Yes, it was the flag of a company known for the worst crimes and genocides and loots and robberies and what have you in the history of mankind. It is the flag of a company with an empire...ruled by the Rothschilds and freemasons...
Now check this second flag below. Can you identify this one at least?

I know there isn't much difference between these first and the second flag you say? Well, there is and there isn't!!
This second flag is the US Grand Union Flag. There is difference in the sense that this time, the dominion is over the colonies in north America and not in India and there isn't much difference in the sense that it's the same British East India company, with the Rothschild's having the controlling interest, and officered by Freemasons and Illuminati folks that ruled India as well as ruled America.
So the colonies in India and in north America all had one master - The British East India Company ruled by the Rothschilds! No wonder the flags aren't any different!
Now, for the last one. See below...

See that one? That's the truth! You Americans are just subjects of the British East India Company, controlled by the Rotshchilds and ruled through Freemasons. Little wonder that you have to pay up whenever and whatever you're asked for to the Federal Reserve led by the Rothschilds! I guess I don't have to tell you what happens if you resist the IRS?!
Now, you might ask, at least India is now free and they have a different flag. At least that's what even we in India think!
But it helps to know that deception changes color every time you see through it. The Indian flag might look different but its the same freemasons and Rothschild hand picks who have ruled India since its inception as a proxy to the Rothschild created USSR.
So that's the truth and the whole truth vividly for you in picutres. Remember, pictures don't lie:-)!
The stars and stripes is what Indians, Red Indians and Americans salute to and live and die for because if you refuse or question, there will be stripes on your body and you will see the stars:-)!!
Get the picture?!
Dayavanth M Emmanuel.
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