Monday, March 30, 2009

Holocaust - History or Hoax?:-)

The World War II movie...:-)

Welcome to the World War II Holocaust movie! This is a multi starrer, action filled suspense thriller packed with hair raising war and crime scenes never ever seen before!

Well, in brief, this movie is a story of how nearly six million people were taken captive and hostage and were killed on a systematic, methodical and industrial scale as if they were some guinea pigs. Man, that's a crime of monumental proportions, you've got to watch this movie and find out who did it and why they did it and how they did it.

And like it always happens in all the movies, our movie also has the good guys and the bad guys and the folks who are friends of the good guys and the bad guys and for the sexually pervert among you, we'd also have some sexed up romance scenes, like in all hollywood movies, involving a very beautiful blonde who we'd call...mmm...Abigail, yep, we will call her Abigail:-)!

Ok, as the curtains raise now, I'll leave you alone to watch the suspense thriller called the Holocaust - The World War II movie and see for yourself how the good guys save the six million hostages!

And after the curtains raise, the first scenes introduce the bad guys first. These bad guys are a very bad people called the Germans and Nazis. These guys are really, really bad. Their leader is called Adolf Hitler. He is a mad man who breathes and lives EVIL. His party and army called the Nazis are notorius killers with an insatiable appetite for blood. So in the begining scenes of the World War II movie, the audience watch with horror as millions and millions of a people called the "Jews" are rounded up and taken hostage by Hitler's Nazis.

There's horror and panic among the audience now. They begin wondering how so many millions of the Jews held hostage by the bad guys are going to be saved, if ever they would be? But not every one in the audience is so gloomy 'cauz they know the good guys are going to arrive on the scene soon and beat the shit out of the bad guys butts and set the hostages free and the World War II movie is going to end with joyous scenes of the Jewish hostages going home dancing merrily! Ok, so what are we waiting for?! "Bring on Abigail" shout some of the audience!

So who are the good guys?! What a preposterous question?! Folks, the good guys in this world are always the Anglo-Saxons and the Teutons. The rest of all of us on planet earth happen to be the bad guys at one point in time or the other. So as the movie unfolds, the audience, wait in bated breath for the Anglo-Saxon British and Americans to arrive and set the Jewish hostages free. The audience is damn sure they will after all don't the British and Americans love Jews?!

But they are in for a BIG surprise! The Americans who are the good guys, instead of saving the jewish hostages, actually indulge in actions that help the bad guys, Hitler and his nazis, in their crime of committing the gruesome holocaust. Here's how...

As the nazis begin to round up millions of jews as hostages, about 1000 jews get on a ship called the SS. St.Louis and escape to America. There's a sense of relief among the audience now. At least a 1000 people could escape even if that's like a drop in the ocean of hostages who are caught in Hitler's trap. So as the SS. St.Louis knocks on New York's harbour, the surprise unfolds...President Roosevelt has refused permission for the jewish refugees to enter America...."Man, how could that ever happen?" some of the audiences begin to murmur loudly. "Isn't he a half jew himself? Just how and why on earth would that son of a bitch not let a mere 1000 jewish souls running away from Hitler's persecution land in the US and save their lives?" But no answers are given. The SS St.Louis has to simply sail back to where it came from. So after a brief call on Havana's port, where also the same fate stares them in the face, the SS St.Louis sails back, like a tear drop on the face of the Atlantic, to Europe. Nearly half of its 1000 odd jewish refugees perish in hitlers gas chambers later.

Now there is a huge uproar and agitation among the audience. This is not what they expected to see. The good guys are supposed to save the refugees and what Roosevelt did is clearly the opposite of that. He actually took a decision which sent a strong, a very strong message to the jews of Europe that the same fate may await them also should they try to escape from Europe to America fleeing the killing machines of Hitler's nazis. Just why would he do that? Isn't America the land of the refugees? Isn't there place in a country the size of a continent for a few million jews who are at the brink of gruesome death? And above everything, couldn't Roosovelt, a half jew himself, do at least that little to his own people, especially being president of the most powerful Christian nation on earth whose people are so sympathetic to the jews? Can't he?

Well, the Americans are not alone in this crime against jews. Their blood brother the British too have their share of the sin. In Dec 12, 1941 - The ship "Struma" leaves Romania for Palestine carrying 769 Jews but is later denied permission by British authorities to allow the passengers to disembark. In Feb. 1942, it sails back into the Black Sea where it is intercepted by a Soviet submarine and sunk as an "enemy target."

The audiece couldn't just come to terms with this kind of British and American actions. They suspect some fowl play here by Roosovelt and the British but find it difficult to conclude they were acting in concert or hand in glove with Hitler? Were they? Otherwise how do you explain their actions? Now the audience begin to sense there's a grey area between what they were told in history classrooms about who committed the holocaust and how it actually happened...mmm...the Anglo Saxons and the Americans don't really seem to be the good people after all...:-)

So about one third of the audience gets up and throw their shoes at the World War II movie and begin to leave booing and deriding the movie...:-)

So after about 15 minutes the World War II movie resumes with the rest of the audience...

The next scenes show how Hitler begins to make life increasingly difficult for the jews in Europe by passing draconian legislation that systematically takes away all semblence of a right to a civilzed existence from the jews...

Why? Simple,because he hates the jews, period. So he decides to get rid of them for good and for ever! But how will you make a whole nationality of people just vanish out of your site? Well, Hitler does have his ideas on this, after all he is leader of the Aryans, isn't he?! So Hitler's Aryan (or half jewish?!) brains stirs up a couple of ideas. First one is to deport the jews en masse from all of Europe to Madagascar. Madagascar, you mean that mosquitoe infested island at the tip of Africa? That's a no, no. So the only other option is to deport them all, lock stock and barrel to where they came from originally - Palestine. So the audience watch with interest as Hitler sends one of his top generals to Palestine to assess the situation and report back to him. This brings a huge relief to the audience watching with bated breathe as to what this monster called Hitler would do to the millions of jews in his vice like grip.

On July 1, 1937 - Eichmann is ordered to Palestine to explore the possibility of deporting Europe's Jews to the area. He visits Palestine in 1937 to discuss the possibility of large scale immigration of Jews to the Middle East with Arab leaders. British authorities, however, order him out of the country...

"Order him out of the country? For what?" a large number of the audience are getting restless at the actions of the good guys - The british and the Americans. Just what on earth do these supposed good guys mean by ordering Eichmann out of Palestine and effectively shutting down Palestine to the jews? First they refused permission for jewish refugee ships to land in places where they ruled and now they are effectually shutting down the doors on Palestine leaving the jews of europe virtually no escape from Hitler's gas chambers and killing machines.

So another one third of their audience rise up in uproar, throw their shoes at the World War II movie and walk out of the hall shouting and booing the movie and its supposed good guys...

As the commotion caused by the leavind audience dies down, another one third of the audience begin to show sigs of restlessness....the reason? Well, they heard there's a very beautiful young blonde in the movie, a new hollywood actress who they heard didn't acted in the movie bearing it all and this section of the audience is really eager to bring on Abigail:-) Well, folks you've got to forgive me for putting a hot raunchy romance in sad tragedy movie. How many of you remember and actually went to watch the Titanic for Kate Winslet's all nude scenes than for the fact that it was about a tragedy in which 1500 people perished? That's the unwritten code for commerical success in this industry and Abigail has to be brought in now....:-)!

But well, what do we introduce Abigail as?...Mmmm...Well, we'll make her role as a young jewish hostage in love with a fellow hostage but molested by a German SS Officer...mmmm...sounds cliched...well we'll bring her in as an attractive German Army Officer who is in love with a jewish hostage but she is harassed and molested by an old crooked SS General, who is in fact one of the many secret half jewish officers in Hitler's army....mmm...looks like that sounds like it would go well with the sadistic audience....:-)

But whichever way her role plays out, for poor Abigail, her fate in the movie is to get stripped, sexed and strangled to death. So after these scenes, this one third of the audience waiting for the romance scenes begin to leave....!

Now the hall has just a few remaining audience who are waiting anxiously to know how it all ends for the helpless jews. Some of them are sure all jews would be exterminated and Hitler would win the war and usher in a glorious 1000 rule for the blue-eyed, blonde haired Aryans:-)

Well, but for the big surprise of the remaining audience, they clearly see fowl play, this time by Hitler and the bad guys in cheating the Germans pretty much like how the British and the Americans cheated the jews in the first half of the movies.

Against all wise counsel from his top generals, Hitler lauches war against Russia and as the Russian winter begins to bite on the invading Nazis, Germany is sapped to its vitals on the eastern front. On the west, the Allies decide to open a second front and decide on landing a huge army on the shores of Normandy in France. So on D day, as the American and British troops swarm the beaches of Normany like bees, the German generals in charge of the defense of the beaches couldn't call Hitler. Why? Simple. He was sleeping:-)

When invasion came Field Marshall Rommel who was in chare of defending the coasts was severely hindered. The Panzer tanks had been stationed away from the beaches by Rundstedt and Hitler. In addition Hitler refused to delegate their command and was asleep during the first 16 hours of the invasion. Consequently Rommel had little support for any counter-attack. Also, excessive control over troop arrangements (again by Rundstedt and Hitler) meant that men were not freely transferable between armies and troops were not efficiently distributed along the coastal defences.

This makes a large section of the remaining audience to raise in revolt against my World War II movie and start throwing shoes at the screen:-) They just cannot seem to digest the fact that Hitler, in spite of whipping up passions among the Germans with all these cock and bull stories about the supremacy of the Aryan race and how they are so superior to other people because of their blue eyes and blonde hair etc and etc., could indulge in actions such as invade Russia against the advice of his Officers and even go to the extent of sleeping while the allies landed and opened a second front. "This is preposterous" scream the agitated audience. "Somone who really loved the Father land couldn't do these kind of things that ruined the third Reich" they protest. Well, people I agree. For Hitler, it was never the third Reich or German glory. It was entirely about jews. Meaning simply that at any point of time during this long war, the resources allocated for the killing of jews took precedence OVER the resources allocated to fight the allies. WHY? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? That simply means Hitler was never bothered about which way the war went, if the Germans won or lost. He only cared about how many jews need to be killed and how should they be killed a case can be made for the formation of Israel. He was simply working for the creation of the state of Israel at the expense of the state of Germany. Period.

So this agitated section of the audience leave the hall after promptly throwing their shoes at my World War II movie:-)! Well folks, what can I do?!! I'm just presenting facts as they actually happened and if that comes into conflict with the official version of history that these audience learnt in their text books, what can a poor soul like me do?!

So I continue to play the holocaust movie to the few remaining audience who can be hand counted:-) These poor souls, most of them old people and a couple of college going youngsters stuck with me to finish watching the first screening of my World War II movie. We exchange blank stares and silently continue with watching the concluding scenes of the movie:-)

The last scenes show the total destruction of Germany, the wasting of the Nazi dream, Hitler's defeat and claimed suicide. By now the world is in deep shock about the holocaust and its gruesome crimes. So the remaining jews are shown fleeing to Israel in ships and boats literally shitting in their pants. Some of the ships carrying these remaining jewish refugees are shown flying both the Nazi and Israeli flags....mmmm....there's something fishy here...why on earth were they flying Nazi flags? Well, may be because Hitler and the Nazis achieved their actual aim which is create such a scare among the european jewry that they would literally start fleeing to a barren desert land called Palestine leaving all the comforts of their settled and prosperous lives in Europe...

This really outrages the remaining audience in the hall. They were taught totally differnt thing about the holocaust...that Hitler killed the jews because he is a monster but here in the World War II movie they clearly see that the British and the Americans were the ones who actually created conditions which led the jews to remain captive in the hands of Hitler and suffer a gruesome fate. The audience have also seen clearly how Hitler attacked Russia against the advice of his generals and how he was SLEEPING while the allies landed on Normandy. Truly, a ruler who is faithful to his German people wouldn't indulge in this kind of actions unless and until he is working for someone totally different....someone who is interested in the exploitation of european jews and thier suffering to both habitate and populate a barren land called Palestine and name it as Israel....but who could that someone be? Who else but the people who hold the title for the land of Palestince but have no way of convincing the prosperous european jews to come and inhabit it? You mean the Rothschilds? Gosh that's outrageous you might think but the fact is that they were the biggest beneficiaries of whatever Hitler did...and you shouldn't be surprised to hear stories that Hitler was actually a Rothschild, born to a mistress of the Rothschilds by a occult ritual rape in one of their european mansions...

Not just Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin were all half jewish or had jewish wives. So my World War II movies is all screwed up now because my script differs so hugely from what the official historians and their sponsors would have you believe.

So after watching the conclusion, the remaining audience were elated to know the truth about the holocaust. They couldn't wait to go and tell it to all those who left in the middle and even to many more people....but you know guys, there's a small problem with that...A problem? Well why, what problem? Actually, you cannot discuss such things abuot the holocaust and if you do, you can be arrested in Europe and put in jail accused as being an anti semite...

This is more outrageous than everything we saw happening to the everday jews because of all these jewish financed politicians. Why can't I talk about it and tell the truth to everyone?

Because a legislation has been passed in Europe which makes such debates on the holocaust a punishable offense. Well, we are not denying the holocaust but can't we at least know the truth about how it happened you might protest...Its similar to how it happens in gangland. The bad guys come and kills some folks and before they leave they tell the rest that either they keep their mouths shut or they'd meet with the same feet if they talk about it:-)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

From house negros to White House negros:-)!

I'm sure a lot of you who are reading my blog, either American or otherwise, are among those who were swept off your feet by the Obama fever gripping America and the world and by his glib talk about bringing "change" to the White House, America and the rest of the world.

This post attempts to look behind the Obama mask and see what he actually is and represents, whether he represents "change" in the real sense of the word or if he's just the same old trick of deception played on the American people and the rest of the world...

Here are some Obama facts or fallacies you probably fell for!

* A little black to the blacks
* A little white to the whites
* A little colored to the coloreds
* A little jewish to the jews (there's a rabbi in his family!)
* A little islamic to the muslims (his middle name is Hussain and he is said to be a closet muslim!)
* A little christian to the christians (he is said to be a practicing christian!)
* A little scottish to the Brits (his mother is of Scottish descent!)
* A little American to the Americans
* A little African to the Afrikans
* A little european to the europeans
* A little Asian to the Asians (his half sister has an Indonesian father!)
* A little conservative to the rightwingers
* A little liberal to the dems
* A little peace loving to the peace lovers
* A little war monging to the war mongers

And the list goes on...and most importantly he is circum SUPERSIZED - ask Sarah Silverman and she'd explain it to you what that is. Graphically, if you'd like:-)

{I mean the white woman's fascination with size isn't anything new. It has always been and continues to be there...from what the invading Aryans took to worship when they conquered the Dravidians in the Indus plains around 1500 BC to the blacks on blondes porn that rules the internet sleeze today...!! But only Sara Silverman can perhaps understand what size has got to do with electing your President especially when she isn't lucky enough to be in the White House as his intern? Poor Monica! How much would she wish it were Obama than Clinton! But folks, even if it weren't so lucky for the Sara Silvermans and Monica Lewinskies, it still is the chance of a life time for Hillary to settle scores with hubby. I'm not surprised she was so eager to opt out of the race and agree to work under Obama!!}

Coming back to our Obama story...

"Ok, so what's your point, is it wrong?" you might ask. Absolutely not. Its perfectly fine for an American President to be everything to every body. The trouble comes if he ends up as nothing to nobody:-)!

What I mean is if the change that Obama promised is more of that cosmetic, wishy washy eye wash or if it is anything substantial?

To see what change he might bring to the White House, America or the world at large,
we will first need to examine if that very change can be seen in anyway in Obama himself as a person and president or if he belongs to the same old gang of people who have always ruled America.

Here are some facts which will help you decide...

1. Many of you might be knowing that a majority of American Presidents are descended from the same blood lines and most of them are related to the British monarchy. How many of you know that Obama is related by the same blood lines, on his mother's side, to both Bill Clinton and to Bush himself who Obama wanted to replace with "change". Well, what change are we talking here?

2. By his lineage and blood, Obama belongs to the same club of exclusivity of past American Presidents who are Freemasons, Illuminati leaders and the New World Order elite, taking their orders from and serving not the people who elected them but the carter of international bankers and the British monarchy.

3. Black people in general and black Americans in particular must realize that Obama does not hail from the millions of poor downtrodden black Americans whose forefathers bore all the humiliations and discriminations for generations under their white masters. He was fathered by a rich African student studying in Hawai and having a white Scottish woman in his bed or in couch for about two years before he decided to move on...By birth or upbringing, he has nothing in him to identify with that important section of Americans who supported him.

So you see he is really neither black nor white nor African nor American nor Muslim nor Christian or...this list also can go on....

So who is he exactly?

For that you need to watch one of his speeches he gave, not to the American people, but to the assembled demi gods at AIPAC:

Here is an excerpt from his address to the AIPAC:

"....I will do anything and everything in my capacity to protect Israel... verything in my capacity as President...EVERYTHING...."

The key word is "EVERYTHING". It includes your lives, liberties, sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, mistresses, wives, girl friends, boy friends, properties and what have you America:-)

So there it is. In your own President's words. This oath of surrender he took before AIPAC is the real mantra of the so called messiah of the modern world. He comes out in his real color in this one sentence of this one speech than in any of his ludicrous "Tonight America, you and I can grab the moon and hurl it at Mars..." speeches he gave all over the country. That was all bluff talk intended to make you feel good about him and yourself so you forget to look at facts.

Now let us examine the implications of his statement at AIPAC:

1. In its very essence and entirely, its a statement of surrender and capitulation by the Commander-in-Chief of your armed forces to a foreign nation. Period.

2. It makes it clear that he will defend, not your Constitution that he is bound by oath as well as all your support to defend, but a foreign nation however friendly.

3. It makes it clear that his real masters are not the American people but the Zionist leaders and bankers who constitule and support AIPAC.

4. He has gone on record to be a virtual slave of the Zionists who control America and will not hesitate to put your lives and liberties in line if it comes to saving Israel.

5. He is chargeable for treason of the highest order and a valid candidate for impeachment and ex communication to Kenya.

6. He is of a very unsound mind who has absolutely no idea of where his loyalties should lie. He needs to be in a mental asylum asap.

So that's the real Obama for you - a lackey of the Zionist bankers. No wonder he ran like a lap dog for their rescue the moment he got into office.

Is he committing to do anything to make life better for the millions of Americans who loved and elected him? The answer is a resounding NO. All he is saying is just that he, as your new President will do EVERYTHING in his capacity, ONLY to please his Zionist, illuminati, new world order, banking bosses that make policy in America from behind the scenes and AIPAC is one of their chief instruments for this manipulation.

For the nearly two million morons who assembled at the Washington monument for Obama's inaugural and oath taking ceremony, and for all those African Americans cry babies who wept and shed tears seeing their first black American President, all I have to say is you've been conned. He does not represent change even in one shade. He is the same old shit coming from a different ass hole.

So you shouldn't be surprised that except for closing Guantanamo down, which any incumbent President had to do given the popular demand for it, you do not see any change for the better sweeping America. It's just a change in your perception that they created that what you elected is what you wanted. No. What they offered is what you elected.

Obama is just a multi color, multi racial, multi faceted buffon that the Illuminati bosses and banking elites created for this presidential circus. All that he lacks is a good red paint job on his nose.

And just like the unfortunate african black slaves who built the White House, this half white negro will toil day in and day out for rich bankers and the new world order elite who made him your President! No wonder that one of the first actions of your new African, American, black, white President was to go to the banker's rescue with your hard earned tax dollars so they can live happiliy ever after:-)!

Is there a change in policy on Iran so Americans and the world can be spared of the same suffering that they were led into due to Bush's foolishness? Does the ordinary American, black or white, feel a change for the better in his life?

If what you wanted is change and a black man in the white house as your President, if you ask me, I would have preferred Mike Tyson or Michael Jackson or even Snoop Dogg for that matter:-)

That would have been real change but frankly Obama for me is nothing more than just another house negro and the only real change seems to be that he is put by his white masters in the White House and made to look like he is his own and every one else's master!! So much for change!

Dayavanth M Emmanuel