Thursday, April 30, 2009

Islam Vs Judaism......reality check:-)


Welcome back!

This post is directed at all those enlightened, illuminated morons in Christendom who have been lulled into the illusion by the Zionist controlled media that the present state of Israel represents the children of Abraham and Israel with whom the Elohim made the eternal covenant and that muslims in all the arab states surrounding this state of Israel or some sort of demons roaming the desert sands only to inflict violence.

So we will do a reality check between Judaism and Islam to see who actually respects the God of Abraham and who does not. For that, we will examine how the jews and muslims define Jesus in whose name this support for Israel is extracted from Christians:

Judaism's definition of Jesus:

For this, we look at the following excerpt from a book by David Duke (Klu Klux Klan) titled "Jewish Supremacism":

"Most Christians are under the impression that Judaism is primarily based on the biblical Old Testament. Actually the ultimate authority for Judaism is not the Bible but on what they call the Babylonian Talmud, a series of writings set down in Babylon in the sixth century after Christ. The American Heritage Dictionary describes the Talmud as “constituting the basis of religious authority for traditional Judaism.” The authoritative Universal Jewish Encyclopedia compiled by the leading Rabbinic organizations of the world, makes it very clear that the Talmud, not the Torah or Old Testament, is the supreme authority for Judaism. The Babylonian Talmud. The Bible itself ranks second to it in reality, if not in theory. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Authority,” pg. 637)

What does the Talmud, the chief authority of Judaism, have to say about Jesus Christ?

Balaam [Jesus] fornicated with his jackass. (Sanhedrin 105a-b)Jewish priests raised Balaam [Jesus] from the dead and punished him in boiling hot semen.(57a Gittin)

She who was the descendant of princes and governors [The Virgin Mary] played the harlot with a carpenter. (Sanhedrin 106a)

[Jesus] was lowered into a pit of dung up to his armpits. Then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck, and the two ends pulled in opposite directions until he was dead. (Sanhedrin 52b)"

So there you have it. The jews who live in Israel and in other countries follow what is called the Talmud and not the Old Testament. And for them, Jesus is equal to Balaam. Do you guys know who Balaam is in the OT? And I don't want to repeat the other things you've already read above about Jesus.

Fine, so now we go to check how muslims define Jesus:

I don't have a scriptural reference from the Quran so months ago, I turned to a muslim friend of mine and here's is what he said:

"Dayavanth, you cannot be a true muslim if you dihonor prophet Isa (Jesus)..."

And he also said that muslims believe that Jesus, when He returns, will set foot on Mt.Zion to fight the anti-Christ system which these so called jews would have set up by then.

So that's the reality check...

The next time your televangelists come on TV and says Israel is God's chosen people and goad you to send money to Israel or send your sons and daughters to die in wars for Israel, do this....

Dayavanth M Emmanuel

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The secret of the Stars and Stripes:-)


Welcome back! I know this being a weekend, a lot you have a lot of dating to do so I will leave you with a really small post this time!

This post is to prove to you who the real masters of this world are that you've been tricked into serving. You don't have to take my word for anything because the images below will prove it for you:

Can you identify the flag below?

Looks familiar? You've seen this flag before? It isn't difficult, you're familiar with the color code and pattern, sure looks like the US flag but you don't quiet understand why there's a Union Jack where there you should see the stars?

So what do you think this flag could be? Take a guess!!

I'll throw in some clues:

* This flag is for the Union of USA and Britain which will happen in future.
* No, no. That can't happen because Britain is already in the European Union. So, well, may be, it represents the Union of Canada with the US.
* Well no, this flag represents the union of all Anglo-Saxon countries

NONE actually! This flag you see above is the flag of the British East India company officered mostly by freemasons and illuminati that ruled India till 1857. Yes, it was the flag of a company known for the worst crimes and genocides and loots and robberies and what have you in the history of mankind. It is the flag of a company with an empire...ruled by the Rothschilds and freemasons...

Now check this second flag below. Can you identify this one at least?

I know there isn't much difference between these first and the second flag you say? Well, there is and there isn't!!

This second flag is the US Grand Union Flag. There is difference in the sense that this time, the dominion is over the colonies in north America and not in India and there isn't much difference in the sense that it's the same British East India company, with the Rothschild's having the controlling interest, and officered by Freemasons and Illuminati folks that ruled India as well as ruled America.

So the colonies in India and in north America all had one master - The British East India Company ruled by the Rothschilds! No wonder the flags aren't any different!

Now, for the last one. See below...

See that one? That's the truth! You Americans are just subjects of the British East India Company, controlled by the Rotshchilds and ruled through Freemasons. Little wonder that you have to pay up whenever and whatever you're asked for to the Federal Reserve led by the Rothschilds! I guess I don't have to tell you what happens if you resist the IRS?!

Now, you might ask, at least India is now free and they have a different flag. At least that's what even we in India think!

But it helps to know that deception changes color every time you see through it. The Indian flag might look different but its the same freemasons and Rothschild hand picks who have ruled India since its inception as a proxy to the Rothschild created USSR.

So that's the truth and the whole truth vividly for you in picutres. Remember, pictures don't lie:-)!
The stars and stripes is what Indians, Red Indians and Americans salute to and live and die for because if you refuse or question, there will be stripes on your body and you will see the stars:-)!!

Get the picture?!

Dayavanth M Emmanuel.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Naked truth about the "half-naked fakhir":-)!

People, someone in the US that I met recently asked me if Gandhi (I don't like calling him "Mahatma") really fought the British in India.

Well, considering the indisputable fact that if ever the British are good at anything, it's in pulling the wool on your eyes with your own hands, I personally do not believe in the official version of Gandhi. The "Mahatma" mask was created mostly by people in the Indian National Congress who were colloborators of the British Raj.

Before we go further, fist we'll look at a prophetic statement by one of Gandhi's contemporaries. Here it is...

"India will be free to the extent it succeeds in shaking off the spell of Gandhism.” - Sri Aurobindo.

For me that sums it up!

The key word in the prophecy above is the word "spell". Now look up the meaning for the word "spell" in any standard dictionary and you will understand how and why Gandhi was made out to be a "Mahatma". This larger than life image was the key to make stupid, unsuspecting Indians into believing that non-violence and ahimsa (against mostly the British) is the path to freedom. It was a very clever deception. On the one hand, it will take away from Indians the capacity or will to strike the British where it hurts and on the other hand it will ensure that the British, thanks to Gandhi, will have to contend with the least possible violent resistance to their rule of India and loot of her resources. And the bottomline for Gandhi is that he will me made out to be a "Mahatma". What "Mahatma"? He is a "Maha-apavithratma". A real "wolf in sheep's clothing" that Jesus warned people to watch out for.

Almost any one can see through the Gandhi deception if you consider two undisputable facts:

1. It is entirely because of him and the pro-British, non-violent turn he gave to the freedom struggle, that the British were able to survive in India after 1919. They owe it to this half naked fakhir. It was men and resources from India along with similar exploitation of America that played a large part in the British success in both the world wars created by the Illuminati and Zionists and Rotshchild bankers.

2. All his political sorcery and high sounding social witchcraft with which he kept the Indian masses paralyzed and mesmerized was essentially based on the principles taught in the bible used out of context. It helps to know that the devil is more adept at using the scripture to cheat you than anyone else. Every deception that the devil spun on the masses begins and ends with a clever misinterpretation of scriptural truth. It wasn't surprising that Gandhi used the principles of ahimsa and non-violence taught by Jesus for the benefit of the British than for that of Indians.

He learnt this all from the British, plain and simple. There was absolutely NOTHING in his teaching that you can trace back to the writings of the Vedas or other great thought systems of India. It was all based on imitations of Western thought for the good of western rule and rulers in India.

Its one of the sad ironies of history that the masses always fall for deception. Every single thing that this fellow ever did or said had only one end - delay independence for India and protect British interests.

Its a misfortune that of all the selfless figures who shown out so brightly during India's momentous struggle for independence, it had to be this vile cheat who was given the honor of being called the Father of the Nation.

That title would be more appropriate to be used for Britain than for India, albeit with a slight modification as -

"Gandhi, One of the Father's of the British Nation"....:-)

Trust me people, that would have been more appropriate since he helped the British more than he wished well for India and since the British monarchy is the whore house into which all the filthy blood lines of this world flow.

I think its about time that the Indian government did something about this and revoke his title.

I'm hoping at least if the BJP comes to power this time, they would consider bringing out the naked truth about the "half-naked fakhir"...

Dayavanth M Emmanuel

P.S: No offence to Gandhi lovers in India, I'm sure after the historical success of the bollywood flick "Munnabhai MBBS", there are going to be so many Gandhi lovers among you. This post is not to offend you but to encourage you to get your history right or you'll end up repeating it:-)

Dayavanth M Emmanuel.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Does Roman Catholicism worship a Virgin or a Whore?:-)

People, welcome back!

I know that title is a bit disconcerting but its intended to be!

I'm not sure how many of you watch fuck films and if you do, then how many of you watch the introductions rather than fast forward to the action scenes straight on:-) For those of you who do watch the introductions, I have a question:

Has it ever occured to you why so many of those girls introduce themselves by something like: "Hey, I'm Ashley, I'm a Roman Catholic..." or "Hey, I'm Jenna and I attended Roman Catholic school..." ....:-)

No offense to Roman Catholics but I mean, I for one, always wondered what is it with Roman Catholicism that made these girls land in fuck films?! My doubts are amplified greatly by the fact each and every year, almost as a rule, you can read in the news papers about how much money the Vatican pays out as out of court settement and damages to people who are victims of sexual abuse by the Roman Catholic clergymen. This money usually is in the hundreds of millions of dollars. I guess last year it was about 400+ million dollars while this year it was 500+ million dollars. Can you think of it? Its hundreds of millions of dollars that are taken straight out of the tithe offerings that unsuspecting believers offer in Catholic churches world wide and it is actually being used to pay for the child molestation and homosexual perversions of the Catholic clergymen...mmm...easy come, easy go...

So after years of reading about this like every one else, I began wondering if this woman, who represents this kind of crime syndicate called Roman Catholicism, can actually be a virgin or if she's someone different. Point is how could such sex crimes get committed in the name of a Virgin in such a systematic manner to ruin the lives of innocent church goers and trust me this has been going on in the Catholic church for as long as it existed...

So I welcome you all in joining me in investigating if the most pervasive and famous symbol and icon of Roman Catholicism - the woman carrying a child - the symbol used by the Roman Catholic church in all its churches, relics and all other memorabilia is a virgin or a whore...

Well, don't give me lessons on how to respect god, his son and his mother. We cannot accept things at face value and admit that the symbol of systematic sex offenders can be a virgin.

So let's see who she is...

Here's some interesting facts about the origin and source religion of Roman Catholicism.

Contrary to what billions of you may believe, Roman Catholicism is not based on Christianity or the teachings of Christ. That was just a clever false face behind which hide this hierarchy of murderers, child molesters, homosexuals, money swindlers and the entire mafia of the Roman Catholic system. So here are those facts for you on the historical roots of Roman Catholicism:

To begin with, you must know about an ancient goddess named ISHTAR: called THE WHORE OF BABYLON.

You must know that prostitution was as accepted form of worship in many ancient civilizations. If you want to have immoral sex, those days you went to a temple and not to a whore house because there wasn't much difference! In ancient Babylon, Goddess Ishtar was revered as the Mother of Harlots and the Queen of Heaven. By the time King Solomon of Israel introduced the worship of Ishtar into Jerusalem (I Kings 11:5), prophets of YHWH were condemning such worship as an abomination.

The Shepherd God Tammuz, whose birthday is celebrated annually on December 25, was the son of Ishtar and the Babylonian Sun Deity whose day of worship was Sunday. Tammuz was also the consort of his own mother Ishtar. When Tammuz was killed at the age of 40 by a boar, his mother/consort ordered that pig flesh be eaten in his memory thereby establishing the tradition of the Easter Ham. She also wept for her son/consort: a practice that would later be observed in the Temple of Jerusalem and condemned by the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 8:14ff) as an abomination. The weeping for Tammuz lasted for 40 days, a day for each year of the life of Tammuz, and was the inspiration for the 40-day season of Lent in the Church. Tammuz rose from the dead, around the time of the vernal equinox, to frolic with his consort Ishtar which was the basis for the Feast of Easter.

When Emperor Constantine of Rome granted Christianity a favored religion status, he had already received a vision of the "Sign of the Cross" which was essentially represented by the initial "T" for Tammuz. The Babylon religious system which had been incorporated by Rome had, in effect, absorbed Christianity. In the Book of Revelation, John warned early Christians about this system whose elements include, but are not limited to:

1. Sunday worship

2. Sign of the Cross

3. Feast of December 25

4. 40-day penance prior to Easter

5. Feast of Easter

So there it is...! Everything that you see accepted as the absolute truth, from the worship on Sun-day to the feast of easter, is all rooted in the worship of this babylonian whore goddess named Ishtar who was the consort of her own son. The similarities don't just end there. The babylonian goddess Isthtar is based on an earlier Egyptian goddess Isis. Here's how the process went.

Egyptian mother goddess Isis and her son Horus become Babylonian Ishtar and her son Tammuz as the priesthood moves to Babylon in search of patronage. From here it goes to Greece when Babylon was conquered by Alexander. When Greece was conquered by Rome, the priesthood take their goddess and in the face of stiff competition from emerging Christianity, they decide to put the new religion in an old bottle...thus was born the Roman Catholic religion based on temple prostitution. its not at all surprising why sex crimes, fornication and adultery is the predominant way of life, the mainstay and staple spiritual diet of the Roman Catholic clergy. Its nothing more than prostitution diefied.

You also read in history that the Roman Catholic church was the actual culprit in such horrendous crimes against people who wanted to read the bible for themselves and live by it. The church had good reasons to be afraid that if every one had their own bibles to read, and in a language which they understood than latin, then they'd know the truth and the clergy would not be able to exploit them... That explains all the crimes committed against protestants including the persecution of Galileo.

So you see, this woman represented by and representative of the Romany Catholic church is NOT Virgin Mary. She's some whore! And the child she's carrying is NO Jesus. It's some son of a bitch:-)!!

Jesus preached and died 2000 years ago and Mary was just the instrument through which he was brought into this world, if ever that was true. And there's absolutely no need to worship his mother than follow his teachings. This is a diversion tactic.

Now you know the actual story and roots of Roman Catholicism. And now you know why those sex crimes keep happening in the Roman Catholic church on a regular basis almost as a way of life for the clergy. Now you know that the woman carrying the child is no virgin, SHE IS A WHORE. Period. No further debate!

It's all done in a very sophisticated way to make the common man live in ignorance and miss the evil that lurks behind this false face. For all of you who revered Mother Teresa and have such great respect for her charitable work, I have just this to say.

*Firstly, if her work was true, then Roman Catholic church has no right, WHATSOEVER, to claim credit to her work.

*And secondly, if she was acting on orders from the Vatican and creating a false face of charity and love to hide this crime syndicate of sex offenders and murderers, then the Catholic Church cannot be allowed anymore to continue using running schools, hospitals and charity institutions to act as a cover for their crimes.

To come back to our fuck films again, I guess you now understand why almost every other girl in the fuck films you see begins her introduction with some sort of reference to Roman Catholicism....:-)

That's not all. This post will not do full justice in exposing the Roman catholic church unless and until it address one important aspect: The lives of the largely innocent and helpless women who dedicated their entire lives to a life of sacrifice and service while their male counterparts indulge in all sorts of sex and sin and even take the money from the church to pay for it. Just the other day, I read in the papers that nuns are frequently subjected to exploitation by the bishops because they are dependent on these clergymen for funds and for money to start or run or maintain schools or hospitals.

I'm not really sure how seriously these women called nuns follow celibacy but I have just this to tell them:

*Why should you submit to a life of sacrifice while your male counterparts live a life of sex and sin and use the money you earn through running schools and hospitals to pay for it?

*Hasn't it ever occured to you folks that you are tolerating and promoting slavery?

*What guarantee exists that these clergy men, who are so openly into committing sex crimes on alter boys and members of the church, are not using nuns for the same sex slavery?

*Isn't it a common practice among ancient religions to have a body of women in the temples as sex slaves? How different is the Order of Nuns in actual reality from this practice given the fact that Roman Catholicism itself is based on the worship of Ishtar the whore of babylon?

To conclude, I say that with due respect to all the good work you women are doing or are made to do, its time for you guys also to drop your habits (the dress worn by nuns is called "habit". Well, incidentally its so appropriately named!!) and change into something VERY, VERY, HOT and SEXY....:-) JUST CHANGE YOUR HABITS:-)!!

Drop your habits and go get yourselves a good fuck. A really good one at that. You deserve it every bit:-)

P.S: And don't ever come back to working for these clergy men again! You don't have to live a life of deprivation and exploitation and waste your lives in acting as a false face for a crime syndicate based on the worship of a whore.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Zionism, the INTERESTing twist:-)....Pun intended:-)

People, welcome back!

This is one helluva important post in that it seeks to establish beyond all debate the real identity of the jewish private bankers and the cabal of international money lenders, who call themselves "Zionists"......

These are the very people who create, control and manipulate the entire financial systems of this world but can they call themselves "JEWS"?

Can they claim to be "Zionists"?.....or are they something very different? on to find out for yourselves...

As a prelude, we need to look into the origins of the words "Zionism" and "Zionist". Zionism is derived from the name of a mountain very important to Jewish and Israeli history. Its called Mount Zion.

Mount Zion is the spiritual counterpart of another mountain which is of equal importance in the history of the Bible. Its called Mount Sinai.

It was on this mountain that thousands of years ago, something very important for human as well as Jewish and Israeli history is said to have happened.

Now if you were to check the biblical narrative of this event as written in the book of Exodus in the bible, you would read about an alien encounter between the people of Israel, including the jews, and an alien visitor from outer space called the Elohim (I'm consciously avoiding the use of the word "God" here as I intend to keep this discussion as non-religious and secular as possible for the benefit of our skeptical friends!)

What's important about this narrative in the bible is that this hebrew account of the alien encounter on Mount Sinai is as beautifully modern as you could perhaps see in say the latest hollywood flick like "The day the earth stood still" starring Keanu Reeves! It had all the elements of such an encounter that can put the most modern cenematic renditions of such an event look like comic strip crap!

There was a descent accompanied by all that fire and smoke and outlandish and austentatious display of a visitation from space, the visitor looked every bit human, the people who saw it happening shook and froze to near death and pleaded and begged to be spared the experience:-)

This direct face to face interaction of the Jewish and Israeli people with their God continued until the death of Moses their prophet.

On descending on Mount Sinai, on one occasion, this alien visitor called "God" summons Moses and 70 of the Hebrew elders, to come up the mountain where He descended, for a meeting. And when the 70 hebrew elders went up the mountain to present themselves before the alien visitor, they could clearly see that this guy from outer space had something like a glowing blue skate board under his feet...

Mmm...glowing blue skate board under the feet it is...

That kinda reminds me of something i saw in a recent movie...

We'll verify the similarity with the Hollywood movie later, but first we will see what happened when the Hebrew elders went up the mountain, here it is...

You can find it from the book of Exodus in the Bible, Chapter 24 and verse 9:

"Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself."

So there it is! This alien visitor was perhaps using a time travel machine that looked like a pavement made of sapphire using which he could time travel and materialize into any sphere of consciousness or reality, including our own physical world...

Ok, so we moderns have something a little similar to that in the Hollywood movie The rise of the Silver Surfer". Any similarities??!!

The entire mountain glowed like it was on fire, there were lightnings and thunders and any one who as much as touched the fringes of the mountain burned to death...

Well,well, well, I'm impressed!!

And so were the entire nation of Israel who watched this alien visitation:-)

Whoever this alien visitor was, the Jews and and the rest of the Israelis who were watching this awesome spectacle understood one thing very clearly - This guy from space meant business:-)!!

He called the leader of the Jews and the Israelis named Moses to come up the mountain and handed down a list of rules for the people of Israel to play by. These rules were non-negotiable and the slightest infringement meant only one thing - DEATH!!

The rules of engagement that these list of rules defined between this alien visitor and the Israelis and Jews were simple - you either play by them and live or you simply die!!

It was an entirely "I say you do" type of engagement between this alien visitor and earthlings and there wasn't any choice or further debate about it. And those who chose to differ, can do so at the expense of their dear lives.

Well, it was pretty much like how it is when Keanu Reeves comes down to save the earth by destroying mankind in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still!!:-)

If we modern humans, with all our science and technology, couldn't do a thing about it in the movie, how could a nation of shepherds do anything thousads of years ago?

So the Israelis and the Jews did what could best be done under the cicumstance which is fall flat on the desert floor and say "Aye, aye sir, we do as you say"...:-)!

And they also worshipped this alien visitor as "God" - well, makes sense!!

So, we'll now examine one of the rules given by this alien visitor to the Jews and israelis...

For this, we should refer to the book of Exodus chapter 22 and verses 25, 26 & 27:

  • "If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, Do NOT BE LIKE A MONEYLENDER; CHARGE HIM NO INTEREST. [e] 26 If you take your neighbor's cloak as a pledge, RETURN IT TO HIM BY SUNSET, 27 because his cloak is the only covering he has for his body. What else will he sleep in? WHEN HE CRIES OUT TO ME, I WILL HEAR, FOR I AM COMPASSIONATE. "

For supplementary references on this SPECIFIC law of the Elohim not to charge interest when you lend can be found again from the book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verse 35 through 38:

  • " If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you. 36 Do NOT TAKE INTEREST OF ANY KIND FROM HIM, BUT FEAR YOUR GOD, so that your countryman may continue to live among you. 37 YOU MUST NOT LEND HIM MONEY AT INTEREST OR SELL HIM FOOD AT A PROFIT.

    38 I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan and to be your God."

Here's one more...from the book of Dueteronomy, Chapter 23, verses 19 & 20:

  • "DO NOT charge your brother interest, WHETHER ON MONEY OR FOOD OR ANYTHING ELSE that may earn interest. 20 You MAY charge a foreigner interest, but not a brother Israelite, so that the LORD your God may bless you in everything you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess."

I know some of you would say "Well, there it is in verse 20 above that says you may charge a foreigner interest" But its more restrictive than prescriptive in the sense that this verse only says "you MAY" and MAY only means MAY NOT:-)!

So this alien visitor made it very clear that if the Jews and the Israelis live by these rules along with the others He gave them, they will be allowed to live but if they have their own thoughts on them, then they will die and brood over them in hell!

Now we will proceed to the all important aspect of examining if the so called "Zionists" who claim to be "Jews" are playing by these rules.

You don't have to waste eons of time researching this. One casual look at the list of people who are looting and robbing the hard earned money of Americans day in and day out would tell you clearly if the Zionists are playing by these rules of the Elohim or not.

Here's the list of Zionist, jewish bankers who are manipulating the lives of everyone on this prison planet through their agency called the Federal Reserve bank.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 JEWISH OWNED & associated banks with the ROTHSCHILDS at the head:

  • $1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin.
  • $2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.
  • $3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.
  • $4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.
  • $5. Lehman Brothers of NY.
  • $6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express).
  • $7. Goldman, Sachs of NY.
  • $8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders).
  • $9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).

So there you have it all!!

EVERYONE Of them is JEWISH owned or affiliated and they have even made the very American government as a puppet in their hands begging for their money.

The Jews who own all these banks are in transgression of the Law of Elohim given from Mount Sinai and they are unworthy of being called Jews!

You might say what's wrong with the American government borrowing money from a privately owned jewish bank?

The answer is simple, firstly, this Federal Reserve bank, operates not for the welfare of the American people, it operates for the private profit of this cartel of JEWISH money lenders.

Here are some rough figures if you will:

  • The Americans are in the red by about a billion dollars a day from the money they owe to the Fed. If their national debt was about 1 trillion dollars in 1980, it grew to about 5 trillion in fifteen years...
  • Imagine, if this is what the jewish money lenders can do to the so called most powerful country on earth, the rest of us on this prison planet are simply do not add up to anything more than mere numbers.
  • Secondly, this Federal Reserve bank is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. PERIOD.

So now that brings us to the all important question of what will happen or what needs to be done rather to these Jewish money lenders who are responsible for all wars in the modern world?

They are guilty of transgressing the very basic laws of the ELOHIM, including the law on interest. They cannot claim to call themselves "Zionists" because they are not living by what was told to them by the alien visitor called "God". They have nothing to do with the word "Zion". They are a deception that needs to be destroyed.

Well, if you ask me, I have my own methods in dealing with such people:-)

And if you were to ask the alien visitor would be simple - kill them to the last man, he would tell you:-)

The more mercilessly and gruesomely you kill them, the happier he'd be:-)

These bankers are not jews since they have not played by the rules of the Elohim. So who are they?

Well, there's a term for people who claim to be Jews and are not. They are called the "Synagogue of Satan".

These are the very kind of people that Jesus kicked out of the temple to cleanse it...

The only time Jesus was visibly shaken with rage in all His life was when He saw how these money changers turned the Temple of God in Jerusalem into a den of thieves. Now these money changers are back where they were driven away the Temple of Jerusalem.

The Jewish banking cartel that owns the Federal Reserve bank that runs the U.S.A for the Rothschild family also owns the state of Israel as a personal fiefdom.

Agreed, muslims and christians have a huge difference of opinion on how to destroy these so called "Zionists" and the "false jews". And Hindus and the rest of the world do not even have an inkling of how these false Jews are ruling the whole world through BENAMI (pseudo) politicians and political parties.

The writing on the wall is very simple for these cabal of international Jewish bankers who created the present state of Israel through political intrigue and the deliberate mass murder of millions of their own fellow jews - YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED AND YOU'RE GOING TO BE SCREWED:-)!

When you play with God, he lets you because by the time you realize, you'd have played into his hands and that would be too late to do anything:-)

You were only focussing on the play and failed to see where you were playing into...

For all the international bankers who are trying to play god and are working like snakes to bring on the new world order, I have just one thing to say - Iran or North Korea, the Day of the Elohim is coming, there's no stopping it, it comes like a consuming fire, it will scorch you and peel the skin off your flesh... It wouldn't help creeping down rocks or hiding under mountains, no more play, roll up your money circus and head for hell, game's over:-)

Dayavanth M Emmanuel.

P.S: Its about time you turn the Federal Reserve bank currency into this....!!