Monday, February 16, 2009

Arm rest warfare:-)!!

The holocaust

Many of you must be aware that the modern state of Israel was created in the year 1948 on the ruins of lands on which palestinians have subsisted for the past 2000 years. The purpose of this post is not to get into value judgements and the moral questions of the of this action except to present historical facts as they are and leave the rest for your to conclude IF the creation of Israel in 1948 is in consistency with those very historical facts or if you think there is something wrong somewhere...something terribly wrong...

Ok, before we run through a list of facts about who the Jews are and the historical facts of Israel and their right to return to their "homeland", we'll first examine a very common situation that almost every one of us faces so often in life...

Do you remember the times when you're travelling and face the moral dilemma of having to share the arm rest in the middle with your copassenger who is often that insidous, pathological, demonical moron of a being that is the most unbearable of people - unless of course it is a beautiful, charming member of the opposite sex?:-)!

Here's how it goes more often than of you is having complete monopoly over the middle arm rest while seriously reading into a book or catching a nap just to pretend not to recognize the other person's equal rights to a fair share of the arm rest in the middle to rest their hand. Needless to say, the other person is waiting for that one in a millionth of a chance when the person monopolizing the arm rest would impulsively move it away say to scratch somewhere or to drive off a fly or pick up something...and by the time their hand returns, the middle arm rest is already occupied:-)! Victory!! So now its time for the other person who is the new lord of the middle arm rest to read seriously into the book or sleep act to enjoy their new and rightful dominion over the middle arm rest, that little piece of furniture that so much decides if you have a happy journey!!

Now things don't quite end there...! The other person is determined now to make your enjoyment of the middle arm rest as miserable as possible and they're determined to come up with as many ingenious methods as possible to ensure this. Some of these would be to stick their elbow into your side seemingly innocently so you would feel irritated by the constant rub of their elbow into your side and would eventually give up your occupation of the middle arm rest in utter frustration:-)!

And after you give up, the other person wants to play it safe now not being stupid enough to reoccupy the middle arm rest immediately lest you repeat the elbow attack and they have to give up like you did. So they try not to notice you've vacated the middle arm rest and act like they're not actually so interested in taking it back. So they try to retake it bit by bit to ensure you aren't watching. But you've grown too shrewd not to realize these antiques and have determined to come up with your own ingenious methods to wreck vengeance on them. So you also shrink into your chair and act like you're so ok with them taking back the arm rest. You take a big yawn and seem so disinterested and unknowing and once the other person seems to completely believe you've flown the white flag and folded up, you're now ready to play out your vengeance. Not long after they realize you've folded into your chair and gone into deep sleep, do they realize to their chagrin that you're leaning over increasingly on their shoulder seemingly in very deep sleep:-)

So this arm rest warfare plays itself out in so many subtle and ingenious ways and by the time you reach your destination, you and your fellow passenger are equally convinced that the other person is a devil incarnate and is all worthy to be burned in hellfire for the rest of eternity!!

Now, given time constraints, it would take some more time for me to preset those historical I said I will present, but for now I leave this post with superimposing the arm rest warfare scenario onto the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As you can see, we humans are not the kind to share just an arm rest with a fellow passenger for a few hours of journey even if both passengers have an equal right to it. The lands said to constitute the present state of Israel were originally taken from other people and were given to the people of Israel for settlement. However, the people of Israel were driven out from these lands on more than one occasion for the fact that they defiled this land with their sins in a far more greater manner than the original heathen peoples from whom this lands were taken. So with the last diaspora of the Jews (one of the twelve tribes of Israel), for nearly 2000 years, these lands came into the possession of the Palestinial arab peoples. So when the jews decide to come back, there certainly is going to be trouble more serious than the arm rest warfare we have seen above after all it was a period of nearly 2000 years. The jews cannot simply wish the Palestinians out of existence. Impossible. Every Palestinian arab has as much right to fight for his home land as the jewish terrorists who bombed the King David hotel in the 1040s in their own fight for a jewish homeland. You cannot be a martyr fighting for your homeland and hope to paint the other person as a terrorist if he fights for his homeland.

Those of you for whom Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the people they represent and fight for are maniacial terrorists, you must need to know that this brand of terrorism as a political tool to extract and realize objectives was the very invention of Jews. Its about time they swallow the bitter pill and realize that what goes around comes around:-)!

This post is in fond memory of the recent Israeli raids on Gaza that led to the killing of nearly 300 innocent children. This is mass murder in its grossest form. May their souls rest in peace and may their killer be brought to justice.

Dayavanth M Emmanuel